Branding & Public Relations
Public Relations is the strategic crafting of your story, your message. Publicity is the result of your story being placed in front of your desired audience through social, print and electronic media.
Public Relations goes beyond telling your story. It's about sparking conversations, engaging your desired audience, building relationships and shaping your brand.
You don't own your brand. It's not your logo, your tagline or what you say it is. Your brand is a perception in your audience's mind. The good news is you can shape their perception through the stories you share.
People remember stories and Tami’s presentations include memorable stories, practical advice and action steps.
Tami's down-to-earth style and common sense approach bring a refreshing voice to a platform crowded with platitudes.
Online Classes & Training
In business today, organizations connect with, attract and retain customers, employees, volunteers and donors through stories.
These stories are the blueprint for building a foundation of trust that helps shape your brand.
Enroll in this online class today to find the hidden treasure trove of stories inside your organization that will:
• Spark Conversations
• Engage your Audience
• Build Relationships
• Shape your Brand
I didn't write these poems, they wrote me.
These pages hold a lifetime of lessons learned about love, life and relationships. It is not a
typical book designed for reading from beginning to end but as individual pages that
beckon to your soul at a particular moment in time.
Whether you’re inspired by music, dance, painting or prose, express yourself. Everyone
has a story someone in the world needs to hear . . . for inspiration, insight or to know
they’re not alone.