Knowledge is Power
Inspiration breeds innovation. Below are resources I've found useful for gaining knowledge, inspiration and ideas. Please feel free to share your insights and add to this list.
Anger is a human emotion, neither good nor bad. It is actually a signal emotion. It warns us of indignity, threat, insult and harm.
How global virtual communities can help kids achieve their dreams
And as more and more children are connected to the opportunities and knowledge and resources that they need to chase their dreams, I'm excited to see the people that lead every industry look a lot more like the world around them.
As Prices of Essentials Spike, Corporate Profits Surge
The report found that top food, energy, healthcare and real estate management companies are continuing to raise prices for consumers, even though their profits surged by $6 billion from 2021 to 2022.
How to outthink your competition – with a lesson from sports
A moral blueprint for reimagining capitalism
These are moral imperatives that most people believe in -- whatever their politics or culture. And this is what gives us the basis to build more just organizations, communities and, ultimately, a more just world. https://www.ted.com/talks/manish_bhardwaj_a_moral_blueprint_for_reimagining_capitalism?user_email_address=12fe4f6577bc72cbaaaff6e4a498c280
Is capitalism actually broken?
The critical question is: can we fix contemporary capitalism by fiddling with the dials or restricting who can turn them, or do we need to tear the machine down and build a new one from scratch?
How to lead in the new era of employee activism
. . . make conscious, coherent, authentic choices about what you will make a stand on and what you won't. And do that in conjunction with your stakeholders and, of course, your employees are one of your key stakeholders there.
A new social contract for global climate justice
Climate justice is based on the notion of not being punished for someone else's bad behavior. It does not sanction more bad behavior. You cannot both demand reparations and the right to emit.
The secret ingredients of great hospitality
That in restaurants, our reason for being is to make people feel seen. It's to make them feel welcome. It's to give them a sense of belonging. See, in restaurants, the food, the service, the design, they're simply ingredients in the recipe of human connection.
What you can learn from people who disagree with you
We are beginning to see the other side as malevolent beings with a hateful and hidden agenda. And you can see this. You can see this in the screaming cable news pundits, the politicians who vote down bills just because they come from the other side of the aisle. The hate groups that violently attack people who are different from themselves.
How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are
Avoidance and endurance can be the entry way to forging meaning. You need to take the traumas and make them part of who you've come to be, and you need to fold the worst events of your life into a narrative of triumph, evincing a better self in response to things that hurt.
How to squeeze all the juice out of retirement
Enjoy your vacation. Be prepared for losses. Experiment. Reinvent and rewire.
How gaming can be a force for good
The reason games are so successful is because they provide a deep sense of engagement, community and purpose.
The Fascinating History Behind Influencer Marketing
It’s not about a follower count. It’s not about a social profile. It’s about the people who are creating things and pushing culture forward. Influencer marketing is about the community. How can you activate the community if you’re not part of it? Everything needs a story.
You don’t actually know what your future self wants
But there is a paradox here, and the paradox is when we look backwards, we can see enormous changes in who we have become. But when we look forwards, we tend to imagine that we're going to be the same people in the future. Stay curious. Practice humility. Be brave.
The benefits of not being a jerk to yourself
Self-love, properly understood, not as narcissism but as having your own back is not selfish. It makes you better at loving other people. The view is so much better when you pull your head out of your ass.
You don’t have to leave your neighborhood to live in a better one
I believe that talent retention, the same tool used to grow successful companies, can be used to build great neighborhoods for the people born and raised in them. What if we looked at low-status communities as though they were struggling companies? https://www.ted.com/talks/majora_carter_you_don_t_have_to_leave_your_neighborhood_to_live_in_a_better_one?user_email_address=12fe4f6577bc72cbaaaff6e4a498c280
At these new green cemeteries, your body will turn into a tree The startup Transcend is rethinking cemeteries as forests, and giving people a more eco-friendly afterlife option.
Bluewashing Joins Grennwashing As The New Corporate Whitewhashing The term bluewashing was first used to refer to companies who signed the United Nations Global Compact and its principles but did not make any actual policy reforms. Referring to the color of the United Nations flag, bluewashing came to mean that some participating companies were using the Global Compact to improve the public perception of their values, social programs, and governance practices without introducing any real changes or reforms.
Another example of bluewashing is using misinformation to deceive consumers into thinking that a company is more digitally ethical and secure than it really is. https://www.forbes.com/sites/timothyjmcclimon/2022/10/03/bluewashing-joins-greenwashing-as-the-new-corporate-whitewashing/?sh=10d919bf660c
Work and family are different entities with different goals, expectations and responsibilities, and therefore should be separated and boundaried.
How heritage brands stay relevant
And while the three panelists came from remarkably different backgrounds, they all had a similar answer: You have to build community.
What you need to know about stalkerware
Data leaks. Humans leak. Your friends give away information about you. Your family gives away information about you. You go to a party, somebody tags you as having been there.
Your invitation to disrupt philanthropy
But philanthropy literally is love of humanity. Giving with an abundance of heart and of spirit. We can all be radically generous in so many ways, beyond just money. 5 Ts - time, talent, treasure, testimony and ties. https://www.ted.com/talks/sara_lomelin_your_invitation_to_disrupt_philanthropy?user_email_address=12fe4f6577bc72cbaaaff6e4a498c280
How to write the perfect crime, according to Agatha Christie
Her eccentric detectives, clever clues, and simplified suspects form a blueprint that has stumped countless readers.
How Alfred Hitchcock turned buildings into characters
“The thing about architecture on film is it really subconsciously presents a character to you,” she says. “It increases your understanding of the story.”
How dance can unleash your inner joy
A world of more dance is a world of more joy.
TikTok fame doesn’t always mean impact
We’ve grown up believing that the highest point of achievement, accomplishment and impact must be achieved through fame. Your perspective is your Superpower. Focus on the impact of one.
Sarah Kendzior explains how conspiracy theories went mainstream
But these are very, very intelligent people who have tremendous insight into human behavior and decades of experience in propaganda and media and political manipulation.
The shift we need to stop mass surveillance
The threat is way worse than you realize and the solutions simpler than you think. And no, it's not wearing a tinfoil hat.
Who’s the new owner of Patagonia?!
The planet is our #1 shareholder.
Mentors: Your backstage pass | David Gould | TEDxQuincy Studio
Humans tell stories. We recall the things that happen to us and how we feel about them. Stories allow us to inhabit other’s lives or imaginary ones and then bring this empathetic understanding back to our own. They offer us a space to build a narrative that affords our life meaning.
Who are your mentors? Where do you find inspiration? If you could select anyone in the world to learn from, who would it be and what would you ask?
Earth is now our only shareholder
Instead of “going public,” you could say we’re “going purpose.” Instead of extracting value from nature and transforming it into wealth for investors, we’ll use the wealth Patagonia creates to protect the source of all wealth.
How do we fix the restaurant tipping system with Saru Jayaraman
Depending on the state, in the U.S. that choice could be the difference between a livable income or financial mayhem for the workers who served and prepared your meal. But why do consumers have such power–and why are labor wages so tied to tips? Saru Jayaraman is a lawyer, activist and President of One Fair Wage. She is organizing a national movement of restaurant workers, employers and consumers in one of the most important labor battles in the country–one that aims to end subminimum wage and tip-based labor.
Everyone can participate in building the metaverse
Is there a way for the digital experiences that we create to truly enrich our physical lives?
Why the customer is NOT always right
“Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space. Your words matter. Your behaviors matter. Our patients and our teams matter. Take a slow, deep breath and make sure your energy is in check before entering.”
What capitalism gets right -- and governments get wrong
If we are to have optimism for a radically better world to continue this path that capitalism has put us on, we cannot let governments collaborate with business to wreck the engine of the market. Weirdos trying stuff and sometimes being allowed to fail at it are our best hope as a species.
Why we should embrace ‘radical curiosity’ and learn to ask better questions
Essential questions also challenge us to get to the root of why things happen rather than what things happened allowing for a wider range of contributing variables. They push us to look for unexpected connections that can unlock transformation. They are the foundation of curiosity.
How would you know if you were in a cult?
The bias behind your undiagnosed chronic pain
As physicians, we took an oath at our white coat ceremonies to first do no harm. And most of us live by that sacred oath. But part of that vow needs to include staying in check with that inner voice to make sure that we aren't writing a story that our patients haven't told us yet. Because it is our duty as physicians to replace the undiagnosed bias with empathy.
Should brands sue their own fans? It’s working out for Netflix and Oprah
After all, a brand that fails to defend its trademarks is taking an enormous risk: a track record of letting others borrow or reuse your intellectual property without consequence can set a precedent in the law’s eyes, making it harder to protect that property from further misuse.
66% more energy? This new turbine could turn old power plants into clean(er) machines
If it all works as expected, the ultimate goal is to retrofit today’s power plants with these more efficient turbines.
What is spiderweb capitalism? Inside the intricate system that lets the super-rich hide their cash
The web is so complex, and involves so many layers and actors, that it becomes challenging to trace.
Social media is polluting society. Moderation alone won’t fix the problem.
To address those non-speech issues, we need a new strategy: treat social media companies as potential polluters of the social fabric, and directly measure and mitigate the effects their choices have on human populations.
Is humanity smart enough to survive itself?
There's no one else for us to turn to. There's no one else for us to blame. There is no us and them. There's only us. So, will we continue to be the success story of the known universe, or are we writing our own obituary?
How to stop the metaverse from becoming the internet’s bad sequel
How do we fix it even before we build it? By avoiding repeating past internet mistakes. Understanding why we're building it, who can seize control of it and what makes it different.
How we’re reverse engineering the human brain in the lab
The premise of organoids and assembloids is that they will slowly allow us to gain new insights into the hidden biology of the human brain. And by doing so, they could revolutionize the way we think about human brain development, evolution, function and disease.
Why Ben & Jerry’s fears Unilever wants to silence its progressive voice
If it’s between a brand standing by its values for what’s right for the planet or people, or maximizing profits, the parent company will always take the Henry Hill approach.
Creating a Future with More Cheers at Anheuser-Busch
Companies that lead with Purpose have more engaged employees
Social Responsibility: Being a Brand that Actually Cares
When it comes to being socially or environmentally responsible, talk is cheap. Action and dedication are what matter.
5 myths about resilience you need to stop believing so you can cultivate true grit Our definition has, unfortunately, revolved around a belief that the toughest individuals have thick skin, fear nothing, constrain emotions, and hide vulnerability.
A photographic journey through the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan
I wanted this assignment to be a love letter to a troubled land that I had called home for seven years. Little did I know that it will become a goodbye letter to Afghanistan as I knew it.
The problem with plastics and how they’re changing the environment
Plastics and their chemical additives are really a climate problem.
(Posted) Michael Schur on every moral question ever The moral of the story https://open.spotify.com/episode/20hBkmJ6Qb8WzfrFH9xxBp?si=U41MswjGTtaECKz8cnkZ6A&nd=1
Cars need their buttons and knobs back
“Touchscreens compete for attention with the driving process, adding to the dangers of distracted driving.”
How Margrethe Vestager got the upper hand over Big Tech
It’s always about people. There’s always someone somewhere who has [made] a business decision. It’s not neutral. It’s not the algorithm. It’s not naturally grown. Data is something that humans create when interacting. So I think a lot comes from the fact that a group, a generation of people, saw the possibilities and ventured into this.
In order to make full use of what technology can give us in terms of enabling better societies, we really, really have an urgent task to get in control of the more destructive sites.
Levelling the cultural playing field
Now that is an incredibly important thing, to see your background, your experience, your history represented out there in the world, having a voice speaking on a platform.
The eco-creators helping climate change through social media
Our generation and younger generations need a new way of addressing the climate crisis that unshackles us from the cycles of doom and gloom that so often lead to inaction, because we cannot play a part in making change if we do not believe that change is possible.
Greedflation Caused by CEOs Seeking Employee Pay Cuts
Yet between oil company profiteering, the seemingly never-ending increase in the cost of everyday goods, exploding housing costs and the accompanying threat of homelessness, many American workers are watching their standards of living evaporate before their eyes even as profits soar and CEOs enrich themselves. https://www.triplepundit.com/story/2022/greedflation/751066
The profound power of gratitude and “living eulogies” So what if we turn regret on its head and take all that love and conscientiousness that we habitually express after people die and do it while they're still here? https://www.ted.com/talks/andrea_driessen_the_profound_power_of_gratitude_and_living_eulogies?mc_cid=9e926f3558&mc_eid=fd2d625448
Spreadsheets are lazy. They don't tell you about people, they don't tell you about communities. We need anti-CEOs, and we need an anti-CEO playbook. The new anti-CEO playbook is about community, responsibility and accountability. https://www.ted.com/talks/hamdi_ulukaya_the_anti_ceo_playbook
How the NRA has obstructed gun control in the U.S.
Thoughts, Prayers & Profit Word of Mouth at its worst.
Purpose Under Pressure: Unpacking the latest research on Purpose evolution through the employee lens
Why fun is the secret to a healthier life So in reality, fun is not just lighthearted pleasure. It's not just for kids, and it is definitely not frivolous. Instead, fun is the secret to feeling alive. https://www.ted.com/talks/catherine_price_why_fun_is_the_secret_to_a_healthier_life?mc_cid=12679a4e43&mc_eid=fd2d625448
Employee engagement is out. This is the new goal. To compete in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace, leaders must inspire their people with a strong and achievable vision, an inclusive culture, personal growth opportunities, and competitive rewards. https://www.fastcompany.com/90768691/employee-engagement-is-out-this-is-the-new-goal?utm=newsletters
Why Unilever blocked the Ben & Jerry’s Israeli boycott Everything your company does is a reflection of its brand. https://www.fastcompany.com/video/why-unilever-blocked-the-ben-and-jerrys-israeli-boycott/FxD1cJfg?utm=newsletters
How schools can nurture every student’s genius Our students deserve to learn in an environment that includes and understands their unique voice, their individual genius. If we are going to rebuild public education, we have to be on a continuous cycle of recognizing, intentionally undoing, and, ultimately, replacing the institutional practices that under-educate and harm our children. https://www.ted.com/talks/trish_millines_dziko_how_schools_can_nurture_every_student_s_genius?mc_cid=6aca3571d8&mc_eid=fd2d625448
A new understanding of human history and the roots of inequality Inequality, we're taught to believe, was the necessary price of civilization. Perhaps it's not too late to begin learning from all this new evidence of the human past, even to begin imagining what other kinds of civilization we might create if we can just stop telling ourselves that this particular world is the only one possible. https://www.ted.com/talks/david_wengrow_a_new_understanding_of_human_history_and_the_roots_of_inequality?mc_cid=a5602b98de&mc_eid=fd2d625448
Stories of photographing monumental people - from Michelle Obama to Stephen Hawking "If you can get people to see themselves in the story that you put forward, then you have a chance of achieving greatness. But that greatness is never you personally. That's something much bigger, called bridge building." https://www.ted.com/talks/platon_stories_of_photographing_monumental_people_from_michelle_obama_to_stephen_hawking?mc_cid=c98b7340f3&mc_eid=fd2d625448
Unleash Your Organization’s Overlooked talent The talents and passions of your colleagues and customers are too valuable to waste. https://hbr.org/2022/07/unleash-your-organizations-overlooked-talent?ab=hero-subleft-1
A toxic history of gaslighting: Past and present Gaslighting is used to describe many more ways of questioning people’s experiences, whether it’s a U.S. president railing about “fake news” or someone at work telling you you’re taking a racist or sexist comment “too seriously.” https://www.fastcompany.com/90767823/a-toxic-history-of-gaslighting-past-and-present?partner=feedburner&utm=newsletters
Why art is a tool for hope Art is a bridge to get people to talk to each other. https://www.ted.com/talks/jr_why_art_is_a_tool_for_hope
The rise of boring architecture - and the case for radically human buildings We’re living through an epidemic of boringness. https://www.ted.com/talks/thomas_heatherwick_the_rise_of_boring_architecture_and_the_case_for_radically_human_buildings?mc_cid=c6a73004f2&mc_eid=fd2d625448
How ethics can help you make better decisions Understanding ethical theories is how we increase our chances of success at simply being human beings who have to negotiate with other human beings. https://www.ted.com/talks/michael_schur_how_ethics_can_help_you_make_better_decisions?mc_cid=c5ceab5e60&mc_eid=fd2d625448
Boycott Amazon Prime Day. Shop these alternatives instead There are a number of online businesses that are focused on curbing their environmental impact, supporting minority entrepreneurs, and creating social good. This list isn’t comprehensive by any means, but the Fast Company team has tested and endorses each one. https://www.fastcompany.com/90767419/boycott-amazon-prime-day-shop-these-alternatives-instead?partner=feedburner&utm=newsletters
How to write less but say more Jim VandeHei shares what he's learned leading two media companies -- and how to radically rethink the way you write to keep people's attention in a distracted digital world. More often than not, if you share something on social media, you didn’t read it, you skimmed it.
Smart Brevity: 1.Stop being selfish 2. Grab me.3. Keep it simple. 4. Be human. 5. Just stop. https://www.ted.com/talks/jim_vandehei_how_to_write_less_but_say_more?mc_cid=baa8f8255d&mc_eid=fd2d625448
Caroline Myss - Wounds Return to safe and sane by healing our wounds. https://youtu.be/u7JzqYe62DE
Forget capturing mindshare. It’s time for brands to start giving customers space Brand makers of today could take note from the likes of Ben and Jerry’s. In the midst of ’80s materialism, the brand chose to extend itself beyond ice cream and labeled itself as a “social justice company that sells ice cream to be able to fuel its advocacy work.” Today, the brand continues to meaningfully engage in the conversation with campaigns like “Silence is NOT an Option” in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. https://www.fastcompany.com/90764019/forget-capturing-mindshare-its-time-for-brands-to-start-giving-customers-space?partner=feedburner&utm=newsletters
How ads trick you into thinking brands are greener than they are How to avoid falling for greenwashing. https://www.fastcompany.com/90765927/how-ads-trick-you-into-thinking-brands-are-greener-than-they-actually-are?utm=newsletters
The humans at the center of the US immigration debate We all need to step up and do something good for this country. Because our character as individuals, our character as a nation, is determined to such a large extent by the way that we treat immigrants and refugees, regardless of their legal status. ‘there are no unlikely allies in the stories of human dignity.’ https://www.ted.com/talks/ali_noorani_the_humans_at_the_center_of_the_us_immigration_debate
The blind spots of the green energy transition Countries that can transform energy to their own advantage, can gain the upper hand economically and politically, and then can put themselves at the center of the global order. https://www.ted.com/talks/olivia_lazard_the_blind_spots_of_the_green_energy_transition
Saudi-backed LIV Golf show how ‘sportswashing’ can backfire Countries like China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia have tried to improve their image with sports. But it can have the opposite effect. https://www.fastcompany.com/90765385/liv-golf-saudi-arabia-sportswashing-backlash?partner=feedburner&utm=newsletters
How mRNA medicine will change the world The secret behind medicine that uses messenger RNA (or mRNA) is that it "teaches" our bodies how to fight diseases on our own, leading to groundbreaking treatments for COVID-19 and, potentially one day, cancer, the flu and other ailments that have haunted humanity for millennia. https://www.ted.com/talks/melissa_j_moore_how_mrna_medicine_will_change_the_world
What Wikipedia teaches us about balancing truth and beliefs By slowing down a little bit and bringing the conversation in, by listening with sincerity, debating with respect, consulting widely and weighing difficult decisions with candor, you can actually build systems that endure. But most importantly, you can build trust, that quality that is in such short supply right now. And trust in one another is what we need in order to weather uncertainty and take brave action. https://www.ted.com/talks/katherine_maher_what_wikipedia_teaches_us_about_balancing_truth_and_beliefs
Disrupting the Gospel of Tech Solutionism to Build Tech Justice Unfortunately, it’s becoming ever clearer that artificial intelligence and automated systems can create, reinforce, and deepen social injustice. https://ssir.org/articles/entry/disrupting_the_gospel_of_tech_solutionism_to_build_tech_justice
Truth doesn’t apply to pollical ads
Political candidates can lie in their television campaign advertisements and TV broadcast stations cannot censor them based on their content, which allows for misleading or false advertisements to air. “CBS Mornings” co-host Tony Dokoupil visits a local TV station in Connecticut to understand why.
The actual cost of preventing climate breakdown
2% of Global GDP which ironically is equal to the fossil fuel subsidies.
Leaders, here’s what you’re getting wrong when you try to communicate your vision
When you’re a leader, you carry a lot of context in your head. You think about the company a lot, and that means that the vision and other higher level topics might be so clear in your head that you simply forget to articulate them.
5 negative mindsets that can wreck your judgement
Our emotions aren’t caused by the things that happen to us, but by the thoughts these events trigger.
Study Show Purpose-Driven Ads Fall Short in Gaining, Holding Attention; New Approaches Needed
“This research hints at a much-needed change in how brands communicate and inspire people moving from a navel-gazing value crusade to inspiring people to do their part.”
Ice Cream as a Convener Through Social Change at Ben & Jerry’s
A delicious listen about connecting over shared values and ice cream.
A Journey to Forgiveness: From 9/11’s Devastation to New Beginnings
“I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded, not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain (quietly) gathering its things, packing up and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night.” - Khaled Hosseini “The Kite Runner”
Why bittersweet emotions underscore life’s beauty
And what creativity really is . . . an expression of that longing for a more perfect and beautiful world. You know, what an artist or a musician is doing, is they're having a vision of . . the gap between the world that we're in and the world that they longed to be in and therefore to create.
How Black girls can reclaim their voice in music
Stereotypes and stigmas fed by algorithms and audiences are silencing us.
How to master a life transition
Life is the story you tell yourself.
1. Begin with your life transition Super Power
2. Accept your emotions
3. Try something new
4. Seek wisdom from others
5. Re-write your life story
You cannot give up on the happy ending. We need to be the hero of our own story.
The brain science (and benefits) of ASMR
A curious, quiet revolution of sound has taken over the internet. Physiologist Craig Richard explains the soothing brain science of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), tracking its rise in popularity and why this fascinating phenomenon is so relaxing to millions of people around the world.
A sci-fi story of climate optimism
"The world is a living tapestry ... As the weave of life is torn apart in one place, the threads unravel in another," says author and physics professor Vandana Singh, acknowledging humanity's interconnectedness with the planet -- and the uncertain future we face if we don't protect it. Reading an excerpt from her latest work of speculative fiction, Singh shares a hopeful vision for Earth's renewal.
Hundreds of CEOs just signed a letter to the Senate urging ‘immediate action’ on gun control
“There’s really no better barometer of public opinion than the business community,” says John Feinblatt, Everytown’s president. “It’s their job to keep in sync with where the public stands. More so than any poll, it is an indication of what the public wants.”
How to preserve your private life in the age of social media
Because the legacy we create in private is as powerful and lasting as any public accolade. Perhaps even more so.
Study: Employees Demanding More Meaning From Their Work Than Pre-Pandemic Key findings related to retention and recruitment include:
91 percent of employees say a company’s Purpose makes them feel they are in the right place as they weather ongoing challenges, such as the pandemic and economic risk.
88 percent believe companies focused on Purpose will be more successful compared with those that are not.
86 percent say having "meaning" in their work is more important than ever before.
84 percent will only work at Purpose-driven companies/brands. https://sustainablebrands.com/read/organizational-change/study-employees-demanding-more-meaning-from-their-work-than-pre-pandemic/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_220609
Memo to Businesses: Don’t Go Back to Normal After Mass Shootings
Among the first steps businesses can take, Crowder said, is to speak up about government policies toward mass shootings, collaborate with other business leaders, redirect political spending and lobbying, and even create a think tank to more closely study the issue, if needed.
A dinner party game to spark your radical imagination
"Radical imagination," says social worker Ozy Aloziem, "is the audacity to live in the world as it is and dream something different."
What really killed Hontest Tea - and what it means for mission-driven brands
A sincere mission can help a brand break through to a solid, loyal audience of consumers. But put that mission-centric brand in the middle of a mass-oriented owner’s sprawling portfolio, and that same identity can become a constraint.
A neuroscientist on the shifts in our media use and the effect on our brains
We are getting more distracted, divided, and depressed. We are changing the nature of our social bonds and our brains. We are all less engaged in intimate ways with the people and experiences that we used to care about.
Taken for Granted: Jon Batiste on the art of pushing your limits
Inspiration defies branding and marketing.
How great leaders innovate - responsibly
What's critical here, fundamentally, what I have always believed and certainly have articulated over the last 30 years, is companies exist because society allows us to exist. And so we have a responsibility to society. When we're developing products and services, shouldn't we think about who is in, who are we serving, and who might be negatively impacted by a product or service that we're offering.
The crime-fighting power of cross-border investigative journalism
We must expand our cross-border networks outside of the media world too, because every exposed, corrupt official, every arrested organized crime leader is a chance to protect our world not only from smugglers and thieves, but also from dictators and warmongers.
How to stop banks from investing in dirty energy
The most polluting sector on the planet is not fossil fuels. It's finance.
The difference between healthy and unhealthy love
100 % of us will be on the receiving end of unhealthy relationship behaviors and 100% of us will do unhealthy things. It’s part of being human. Relationship abuse is something 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men will experience in their lifetime. It’s not how a relationship starts; it’s how it evolves.
How Public Affairs Can Become A Brand’s Best Building Block
Brand advocacy has become a potent way to connect more deeply with audiences, differentiate from competitors, and galvanize employee loyalty by empowering them to live the brand’s values. It requires public affairs teams to become deeply integrated with classic brand marketing and communications teams.
Dear CEOs: It’s time to prepare for the fall of ‘Roe’. Here’s how
For the many companies that have made commitments in recent years on diversity, equity, and inclusion, the end of Roe poses a stark test.
The secret science behind the power of small talk
Stories can be lightning rods that supercharge our conversations, actively “syncing up” our minds so that we’re not just sharing meaning with each other, but human experience itself.
Ben & Jerry’s is cutting the carbon footprint of your ice cream
The company is helping farmers adopt new technology like methane digesters, which use bacteria to process the methane from manure—another major source of dairy emissions—and generate both fertilizer and electricity that can be sold back to Vermont’s electric grid.
Yelp CEO: Why companies need to take a stand on reproductive rights
All people have a right to self-determination, and that means women have a fundamental right to choose the path their lives will take, to control their own bodies, and most important, to safely access the health services they need. Nearly half of Yelp’s employees are women, and it’s impossible to stay quiet while their rights are stripped away.
Furious about the fall of Roe v. Wade? Here’s how to design a protest sign that goes viral
In this day and age, the power of a protest sign may start on the street, but it has to resonate on social media, too.
A bold plan to transform access to the US social safety net
We can’t solve what we can’t see.
Should your brand take a stance on social issues?
To communicate on important conversations as a brand you need to define your values and develop processes to continually determine which issues are important to respond to or not.
An election redesign to restore trust in US democracy
Election officials who serve millions of voters currently lack the basic technology that they need to reliably do their work. It either doesn’t exist, or it’s shockingly outdated.
The Democrat’s brand advertising is broken.
Most political advertising rarely deviates from the same old, generic combination of bad b-roll, scare-mongering newspaper headlines, ominous music, and a candidate giving a less-than-inspiring teleprompter read.
Mental health care that disrupts cycles of violence
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. And in our response lies our growth and our freedom."
The restorative power of medical tattoos
Have you ever considered tattoos to be empowering or healing?
Sex education should start with consent
All of this is to say, I really want to create a better transition process for young people, because I truly believe that the more we talk about sex, the safer and the better it'll be for everybody.
Why people and AI make good business partners
It is the human touch that will bring the best out of AI.
The Humble Crab Shell Could Upend a Variety of Polluting Industries - Starting with Wastewater
Washington-based startup Tidal Vision upcycles discarded crab shells to produce chitosan — a positively charged biopolymer with myriad applications in sustainable water treatment, textile production, agriculture and more.
Look out, DoorDash: Local meal delivery companies are teaming up
Local providers stake the moral high ground in the food delivery wars. In addition to keeping money in the community, they claim to offer better terms for restaurants.
The likability dilemma for women leaders
The sad truth is, most of us don't find strong, competent women easy to like. So the dilemma for women is that the qualities which we value in leadership, such as assertiveness and decisiveness, go against societal norms of what it is to be a likable woman.
Stand with Ukraine in the fight against evil
“Winter Is Here.” And the subtitle would be "I Bleeping Told You So."
Dictators lie about everything they have done, but often they tell us exactly what they're going to do. Just listen. Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine. Glory to freedom.
New B Corp Maker’s Mark Leading US Spirits Industry’s Slow Shift to Sustainability
Like almost every other industry, the spirits business is reckoning with how to keep producing products while reducing its overall environmental footprint.
Self-Care is Not the Solution for Burnout
A great deal of the public focus on burnout has zeroed in on the skills and deficits of individual workers all the while three decades of research has demonstrated that work environments, not individual workers, have the greatest impact on the possibility of burnout and worker turnover.
The rhythm and rhyme of memory, solitude and community
We're all just radios hoping to pick up each other's signals. And some of those signals have a backbeat and a melody, and they're universal. And music can unlock a frozen memory that melts into the seeds of our creativity. And the reverse is also true. A memory can unlock a song that's waiting to be written. It can reveal us to ourselves across time and generations, in community, in solitude. Some frequencies are sound, and some frequencies are light. And some take a half a lifetime to reach their destination.
What it’s like to be a war refugee
War leaves a physical legacy in our body, our mind and in our spirit.
As we are moving closer and closer towards automation of war, what happens when we outsource violence, the extinguishing of a human life, to a computer?
How unemployment became the ruby in my life
What happens when that job is stripped off? what happens when you're no longer
attached to an institution that gives you prestige and value? Then I realized the value is inside of me. Surely, I had a set of skills and knowledge passions and the peculiar personality that not only
made me different but could not be taken away from me whether I had a job or not.
The creativity and community behind fanfiction
By reimagining Tolkien’s fantasy world, I was creating a place where someone like me could feel at home. Writing my story gave me comfort. But it also taught me a lot about how to write. I never shared that spiral notebook with anyone. But what I didn’t realize then was I was writing something called fanfiction.
Why women should tell the stories of humanity
. . . because as you can see from the cave paintings, all civilizations, all of humanity have relied upon artists to tell the human story, and if the human story is finally told by men, take my word for it, it will be about men.
How webtoons are changing movies and TV
The competition to hunt the best story in the world is on.
Major restaurant chains commit to eliminating ‘forever chemicals’
Consumer Reports found measurable levels of PFAS chemicals in wrappers from fast-food chains such as McDonald’s and Burger King, and even in packaging from companies such as Trader Joe’s and Cava that promote more healthful fare.
Why all melodies should be free for musicians to use
The copyright system is broken and it needs updating.
Profit, Performance and Impact: The Success Criteria of a Whole Brand
Why do you exist beyond making a profit? The answer to this question creates your brand’s purpose — which should guide and inspire every decision you make and every action you create, both internally and externally. That purpose should also inspire sustainable actions.
Self-assembling robots and the potential of artificial evolution
Just as we breed plants for qualities such as drought resistance or taste, the human robot breeder could guide artificial evolution to producing robots with specific qualities. For example, the ability to squeeze through a narrow gap or perhaps operate at low energy.
3 things men can do to promote gender equity
There can be no reckoning without accountability. Silence is complicity.
The deep sea’s medicinal secrets
To protect our own health we need to protect the health of deep-sea coral reefs. Our future pharmacies are hidden in our seas.
The hidden power of sad songs and rainy days
The place you suffer is the same exact place where you care desperately. It's the same place that inspires you to ease someone's pain however you can. And it's the place that you vibrate with the insane beauty of this world.
The 10 most innovative companies in branding in 2022
The two magic words tying together this year’s list of most innovative companies in branding are community and content.
The power of purpose in business
Purpose is your “why”. It is found at the intersection of who you are at your very best and the role in the world that you are meant to play. Purpose is not a CEO vanity project.
Effective Storytelling Can Inspire Positive Action for People and Planet
As early as childhood, storytelling is used to spark our imagination while simultaneously teaching us both lessons from the past and possible options for our future.
‘Greenwashing Is Dangerous’: Lessons for Purpose-Driven Brands from Innocent’s Recent Lashing
Brands wanting to communicate their environmental impacts to consumers and the media must strike a balance between the stories they tell and the rigour and accuracy that underpins them.
The concept of chosen family and why US laws should protect it
And if we really want to value families as they exist rather than incentivize marriage, I also suggest that we separate out some of the legal perks of marriage so that single people and other kinds of families get these benefits without an evaluation of whether they're in a romantic relationship that passes muster.
“A seat at the table” isn’t the solution for gender equity
How to build a table that doesn’t suck.
Are ad agencies, PR firms and lobbyists destroying the climate?
X is for influence . . . the brainprint of the X industry is felt everywhere. And that’s because these problem-solvers and storytellers act as the grease in the wheel of all other businesses on Earth. And that gives the X industry an outsize influence on the likelihood that we reach net-zero, or they will be one of the primary architects of climate destruction.
How to provide cooling for everyone - without warming the planet
The solutions go well beyond just fixing air-conditioning. The solutions range from city design to architecture, from building materials to appliances, from geoengineering to green roofs. The solutions can be high-tech, they can be low-tech, and there are four areas of promise, four areas where solutions could be transformative if we step up to the plate, prioritize, regulate and invest.
What nature can teach us about sustainable business
Gecko feet inspired alternative to glue, who knew?!
The great greenwashing scam: PR firms face reckoning after spinning for big oil
Now the PR and advertising firms that have been creating the industry’s greenwashing strategies for decades face a reckoning over whether they will continue serving big oil.
Your Contracts Tell A Corporate Responsibility Story
If your contract makes you seem like a bully, taking advantage of the less powerful in favor of the bottom line, that information is likely to get out.
They’re selling a story. It’s a story and a narrative that they want you to buy into. The good politicians, the good magicians, the good salespeople and the great conmen have all got one thing in common, they know us better than we know ourselves.
How play can spark new ideas for your business
When leaders embrace play and imagination games, they can unlock the imagination of their employees, uncover disruptive new strategies and renew their lease on the future.
You deserve the right to repair your stuff
“What's really got me irritated is that at this point, the vast majority of products on the market today cannot be repaired by any party without being totally dependent on the manufacturer. And the day the manufacturer decides they don't want you to fix it, it's over. This is a completely artificial problem.”
The mind-bending art of deep time
Shortsightedness may be the greatest threat to humanity. To be human is to understand that we’re part of a long continuum. Let’s embrace our cosmic context, respect our origins and hold our future close.
Commerce is the activity of buying and selling, which has existed in various forms throughout time. Capitalism is an economic and political system of organizing commerce that emerged a few hundred years ago, and that is rooted in private ownership and profit-first mentality.
In order to reverse the trend of rising inequality, we must first realize that it is not a natural and inevitable consequence of commerce. Business does not necessitate cutthroat competition and the ruthless pursuit of self-interest at the expense of people and planet.
While fact-checking is necessary, it is often not enough to provide the whole picture.
· Decontextualizing/Recontextualizing
· Chery-picking and limiting focus
· Reinterpreting and pre-framing meanings
Critics of ‘woke’ capitalism are wrong
Today, staff and customers believe you should embody the company’s values and speak out on big, touchstone issues, from race to fake news and climate change.
How your memory works - and why forgetting is totally OK
Our brains are not designed to remember people's names, to do something later or to catalogue everything we encounter. These imperfections are simply the factory settings.
The more you disrupt systems that have operated unfairly for a long time, the more you implicate bigger issues.
The spark is on the street.
A different understanding of American patriotism
America is the only nation in human history organized not by geography or a common culture or language or religion or even race, but by a handful of civic ideals. And we've come to define those ideals over time and through struggle as equality, opportunity and fair play. Why? Because that's what makes freedom possible.
We cannot be great without being good.
Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert, 98, takes to TikTok to share her story
“I thought single-handedly, I will tell my story and I will change the world. And this story should not, and cannot, be forgotten.”
“This is why we can’t have nice things”
Are brain waves the secret to treating Alzheimer’s?
Professor and neuroscientist Li-Huei Tsai details a promising new approach to artificially stimulate gamma brain waves using light and sound therapy, to increase connectivity and synchrony and delay the onset of this deadly disease.
How “radical hospitality” can change the lives of the formerly incarcerated
Because this politic of hospitality, this radical commitment to belonging will take us so far beyond the politics of fear that govern our lives today.
What if women built the world they want to see?
For women, a job in construction can pay more than twice the hourly wage of a comparable job in childcare or health aid work. And while the gender pay gap in the US hovers around 82 cents earned by women for every male-earned dollar, in construction, the pay gap is nearly nonexistent, at 99 cents to the dollar.
To fight climate change, listen to young people.
"My generation has more to offer than ever before," Nyathi says. "We live climate change in a way our parents' generation did not."
This Brazilian billionaire should be your role model for corporate activism
“In a world where billionaires burn their fortunes on space adventures and yachts, Luiza is dedicated to a different kind of odyssey,” Lula wrote. “She has taken on the challenge of building a commercial giant while constructing a better Brazil.”
7 joyful activities to try instead.
. . . she explained that for some people with histories of unprocessed trauma and physical dissociation, meditation can do exactly what I’d experienced — increase anxiety, prompt flashbacks or trigger other physical symptoms.
How to break down barriers and not accept limits
They’re changing the world through conversations, through unity and living as though boxes and barriers don’t exist.
"Would the world be different today if we had been telling their stories all along?"
Why great leaders take humor seriously
Where humor exists, love is not far behind.
How comic strips create better health care
Just imagine if your new doctor opened your chart and saw pictures that sparked curiosity about the person, not just the symptoms.
What a Difference 20 Years Makes In Corporate Social Impact
Corporate social impact is not a one-size-fits-all field. There is not one right way that everyone must step in line to follow. How companies and cause groups approach the topic is extremely varied, but any group that does not thoughtfully approach it does so at its peril.
A free and fair internet benefits everyone
And we need to start holding global corporations to account. In 2020, we learned that at least 20 developing countries were missing out on as much as 2.8 billion dollars in tax revenue from just three big tech companies. Three. This is only a tip of the iceberg because we know there are a lot of companies operating in these locations, but due to unfair global tax rules, they're not giving back their fair share.
How Leaders Can Balance the Needs to Perform and to Transform
How can you handle the chaos of the present and also create space to hatch the future?
How can you solve problems that your organization has never encountered before without burning out or giving up? How can you encourage people to stay upbeat and energetic when it’s so easy to feel anxious and beaten down?
What makes a job “good” - and the case for investing in people
Creating good jobs isn’t rocket science. A good job is where a worker, one, is fairly treated. Two, has a promising future. Three, feels psychologically safe. And four, has a sense of purpose.
The problematic origins of common business jargon
While it’s perfectly natural to exercise corporate vernacular in the workplace (everybody’s doing it), some of these innocent-sounding quips actually have problematic, or even racist origins.
A New Year’s resolution for entrepreneurs: Revisit Jim Collins
“I’m going to think of accompany as a role model and a tool for change in the world. And I’m going to prove it with our success and the quality of what we do.” It’s not about flipping and cashing out, this is a choice. And then you could get to the end of your life and say, “Wow, what a life well spent.”
3 Ways to lower the barriers to higher education
. . . we have to dramatically drive down the cost of higher education, and the way to do it is to rethink and reimagine in these three ways. We have to rethink time ... place ... and how we teach.
These 10 charts starkly show the state of inequality in 2021 After a pandemic that put the gaps in society into life-and-death terms, these visualizations show how some people have thrived over the last year, while others’ financial situation has—at best—stagnated.
The cure for burnout isn’t self-care
Feelings are tunnels. Stress is a tunnel. You've got to work all the way through it. Not that the stress is bad for you, it's getting stuck in the middle that is bad for you, never having an opportunity to take your body through the cycle.
The 5 best ads of 2021 - and the worst ad of the year Obviously, there were many more than five amazing ads this year, but these were the handful that grabbed our attention in fun and unexpected ways—along with the one ad we really could have done without and wish we could just unsee.
How to escape the cynicism trap So I fight to believe in people, not because it feels good, but because stories matter, and we're telling ours all the time, together. https://www.ted.com/talks/jamil_zaki_how_to_escape_the_cynicism_trap#t-69217
Want to weather the Great Resignation? Create an internal brand employees actually believe in
Just like your external brand, it’s a thread that runs through everything. It motivates people day-to-day. It puts different teams on the same page. It helps you find new hires who will add to the culture of your organization and gives recruiters a way to sell you to the very best candidates. And it turns ex-employees into alumni: people who always carry a piece of your organization with them. https://www.fastcompany.com/90708024/want-to-weather-the-great-resignation-create-an-internal-brand-employees-actually-believe-in?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feedburner+fastcompany&utm_content=feedburner&cid=eem524:524:s00:12/22/2021_fc&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Compass&utm_campaign=eem524:524:s00:12/22/2021_fc
Community investment is the missing piece of climate action
Technology can only bring half the solution. The community brings the other half. And we have to fix this imbalance now if we want to fix climate change, and we do.
Siri, Alexa, Google…what comes next? So are you ready for a smarter life? https://www.ted.com/talks/karen_lellouche_tordjman_siri_alexa_google_what_comes_next#t-622042
A vision of sustainable housing for all of humanity. So yes, we can go to 11 -- 11 billion people. We don’t need to fear our neighbors. We don’t have a lack of land or technology. We just have a lack of vision, because the answers are hiding in plain sight. https://www.ted.com/talks/vishaan_chakrabarti_a_vision_of_sustainable_housing_for_all_of_humanity#t-619376
The end of Roe v. Wade - and what comes next
First, we’ve got to build a badass social justice movement.
3 Questions to build resilience - and change the world
Who are you?
Where are you?
What do you want?
How to end the pandemic - and prepare for the next
Are leaders actually going to come together to bring us closer to the end or push us further from that end point?
It inspired me to compose, draw, design, create a new business plan with new mathematical formulas, operational protocols that were woven together with multi-sensory storytelling, whose singular purpose was to create real value, driving real goodwill.
Ancient wisdom for healing the planet
Time has come that we measure the advancement of our civilization through the metric of health rather than metric of wealth. But once again, we face a big roadblock here. It's impossible to have healthy people on a sick planet. A blatant disregard for the environment, which is entrenched in our current economic and social models, has pushed the natural world to its limits.
Your success rides on having a good personal story. Here’s how to get one You have to read through your own story, the way you have already told it over and over, and analyze it.
Your business needs a story. Here are 6 ways to make it a standout
So how can your founder’s story stand out amidst all the white noise?
The rise of predatory scams - and how to prevent them
Elder abuse is growing, but it still remains hidden because of shame, because of embarrassment, because of affection between perpetrator and victim. And most of all, because everyone has a deep, instinctive fear of admitting to impairment.
The crucial intersection of climate and capital We need to decarbonize the old economy that we have and invest to create the new economy that we need. It needs to be an economy that emits no more than it can remove, and that does this in a way that is net-positive for the planet and the people. https://www.ted.com/talks/nili_gilbert_the_crucial_intersection_of_climate_and_capital#t-108248
How your brain invents yourself
The self is a series of perception.
Brands, Advertisers & Climate Activists Demand DOP26 Leaders Tackle Climate Misinformation
Producing climate misinformation has become a business model for many actors in social media and we need these platforms to clean up their act and to stop the fake news.
The creative power of your intuition
As I think about data and how we want to live and change our world, I'm reminded that sometimes, data is the pill that we take to calm our insecurity about what we intuitively know. So I’m advocating that we decrease the dosage of our data. And that we increase the implementation of our intuition.
Patagonia doesn’t use the word ‘sustainable.’ Here’s why
For businesses as ourselves, the first step must be taking a long hard look in the mirror. The private sector faces a massive—and understandable—trust deficit on the back of widespread greenwashing, spin, and straight out lying. Therefore, we must get a clear picture of our impact and use this to open honest conversations.
How to make radical climate change action the new normal
And here's the good news, the sustainability revolution is the single biggest business opportunity in the history of the world. It has the scale of the industrial revolution coupled with the speed of the digital revolution. And what we're seeing is that we have to seize this opportunity, but we need reforms in the current version of capitalism.
The haunting truth of ghost stories
It doesn’t matter whether or not the ghost is real, the ghost story is.
Ask what the ghost wants and what do you want from the ghost.
What Big Oil knew about climate change, in the industry’s own words
A report from 1965 noted: “One of the most important predictions of the report is that carbon dioxide is being added to the earth’s atmosphere by the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas at such a rate that by the year 2000 the heat balance will be so modified as possibly to cause marked changes in climate.”
Capitalism is killing the planet - it’s time to stop buying into our own destruction
Capitalism has been morphed and allowed to run amok.
How platform co-ops democratize work
A new way to create democratic companies of empowered workers -- and develop a better, fairer alternative to the gig economy.
3 tips for leaders to get the future of work right
We have to make sure that we don’t go back to the rigid structured, bureaucratic, sluggish ways that suck the joy out of work.
The rise of dark web design: How sites manipulate you into clicking While cookie banners are annoying and often dishonest, we need to consider the broader implications of an online ecosystem that is increasingly manipulative by design. Dark design is used to influence our decisions about our time, our money, our personal data and our consent.
We’ve made some bad moves — but we’re learning. Sharing our bad moves is just the start of what we’d like to be transparent about.
Where the Intention Economy Beats the Attention Economy
As it stands in the attention economy, privacy is a weak promise made separately by websites and services that are highly incentivised not to provide it.
The Story isn’t the whole story
We learn best from each other. We are all authors of each other.
The global treaty to phase out fossil fuels
We currently have enough fossil fuels to progressively transition off of them, says climate campaigner Tzeporah Berman, but the industry continues to expand oil, gas and coal production and exploration.
Much of what we see is our own expectations.
Want to truly succeed? Lift others up while you climb
Question your surroundings. Sponsorship over mentorship. Pass on the chance for glory.
What you can discover when you really listen
But if you can ask for what's below the surface of what they just said, you might unlock some door for them and invite them to go through it with you.
5 Ways to Make Your Business More Socially Conscious
According to a recent study, 87 percent of customers choose to purchase from a company that advocates for issues they care about, whereas 75 percent will actively avoid companies that support issues contrary to their beliefs.
Walk the Talk of Stakeholder Capitalism
Stakeholder Capitalism: do this in four ways: seeing things differently so that challenges are faced collectively; doing things differently so that more stakeholders benefit; collaborating differently to focus on a shared mission; and redistributing wealth differently.
A psychologist explains why haunted houses terrify us Haunted houses give us the creeps not because they pose a clear threat to us, but rather because it is unclear whether or not they represent a threat. This ambivalence leaves you frozen in place, wallowing in unease.
How NFTs are building the internet of the future
An internet where economic control rests in the hands of creators, not platforms. An internet where our ideas and creativity can be directly supported. An internet where information can be free, but where we get paid for the work we do with our minds.
The mental health benefits of storytelling for healthcare workers
Storytelling helps healers be healthy enough to heal us.
Three Myths About Your Strengths
Focusing on strengths is a powerful way to grow.
Will an eco-grade on your food make you think about the planet’s health?
For Foundation Earth to succeed, however, it all comes down to how consumers react. “From what we have read, people do look at labels and make decisions around [them],” he said. “The consumer will make the system, win or lose.”
Global Deal to End Tax Havens Moves Ahead as Nations Back 15% Rate
More than 130 countries agreed to set a minimum tax rate of 15 percent as governments look to end a race to the bottom on corporate taxation.
How to spot the psychological manipulation behind ‘dark design’ online
So while cookie banners are annoying and often dishonest, we need to consider the broader implications of an online ecosystem that is increasingly manipulative by design. Dark design is used to influence our decisions about our time, our money, our personal data, and our consent. But a critical understanding of how dark patterns work, and what they’re hoping to achieve, can help us detect and overcome their trickery.
Facebook Whistleblower Says Company Incentivizes “Angry, Polarizing, Divisive Content”
An internal Facebook study obtained by 60 Minutes stated: "The current set of financial incentives our algorithms create does not appear to be aligned with our mission."
Why is Customer Service So Bad? Because It’s Profitable.
Unfortunately, this means companies with few competitors may find worthwhile to alienate angry customers in order to save on redress costs.
Successful and Relevant Branding with Rishad Tobaccowala
Rishad highlights some very important points to help brands stay relevant for longer periods.
Combine the spreadsheet and the story.
GMA anchor Robin Roberts’s lessons in storytelling, leadership, and purpose
“But I think there is no real formula,” she went on to say. “And that’s what the beauty of storytelling is. Everybody has a different approach to it—just like we all have a different approach to leadership.”
Going public, Warby Parker needs to focus the brand beyond eyewear
It’s a rare brand that can become a standard by which others not only measure themselves, but becomes shorthand for an entire business category.
Bye Google: 7 privacy-first search engines everyone should try
Even if you have nothing to hide, searching the web with Google can sometimes feel unnerving.
Is the Tide Turning on Corporate Climate Lobbying?
More companies are now seeing the benefit of having a seat at the table as a collaborative partner to craft policies that could help their industries meet demands of customers, minimize risk from climate change, and help ensure they are active participants in decelerating its worst impacts.
Procter & Gamble heirs speaking out about climate change and the company’s role
Some environmental groups have been hammering P&G about its policies for years, but these voices come from a place much closer to home: relatives of the original founders. Two young descendants are speaking out for the first time because they believe the company is putting profits over the environment.
Why people believe false information and how to combat it, according to experts
“ . . . What registers is stories, which is why conspiracy theories are so great—they’re fascinating stories. Creating doubt by telling stories—as opposed to creating tension with facts—is a better way to go, especially if your stories can eliminate whatever doubt still exists in them.”
Harvard researchers reveal how resume bots are killing job opportunities for people need them most.
Job Seekers hoping to land an interview are living under the tyranny of automatic résumé filters that have already deemed them unqualified.
I am a Fraud; I think you’re a fraud, too.
You would never speak to your friend the way your inner critic speaks to you.
Tech B Corp Prioritize the Well-Bing of People and Planet
Kohn is on a mission with Dojo4 to reimagine what work and success mean in the tech field. The Certified B Corporation’s newest initiative, Antidote to Tech, aims to spark conversation and create resources for technologists committed to thriving natural environments and genuine human connection.
Achieving Sustainable Business with Philip Kotler, Author, Professor, Father of Modern Marketing
“As a marketing field - are we part of the problem and if we’re part of the problem, then we should be changing our objectives to become part of the solution. Our objectives should be de-consumption or more sensible consumption. To this end, marketing has to undergo an identity crisis - and really understand what it’s all about.”
Could the Story You’re Buying Be Hurting You?
What if the stories we buy are wrong for us?
The big myth of government deficits
. . . stop looking at government spending as a path towards frightening piles of debt, but rather as a financial contribution to the things that matter -- like health care, education, infrastructure and beyond.
‘Understaffed’ IRS is letting the top 1% evade billions in tases, Treasury Department says
The richest people in America are “choosing not to pay” hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes that they owe each year, according to a new Treasury Department report released Wednesday.
5 questions emotionally intelligent leaders ask themselves every day Did I empower my team enough? Am I listening and understanding well enough? Did I recognize people when they went above and beyond? Am I supporting my people in achieving their goals? Am I making my vision for the organization clear and consistent?
We need to accord greater economic value to certain work in the United States, and greater respect to almost all of it. Nothing is a more transformational goal than that everyone should be able to make a decent living working at a job that they find satisfying.
This stark visualization proves it: You should be making a lot more money See what your paycheck could look like if wages weren’t stuck in the ’70s.
8 signs you should turn down a job offer You made it through the gauntlet of interviews and got an offer. But is it really good for you? Here are some red flags that should make you think twice.
Shonda Rhimes and architect David Adjaye discuss the art of storytelling
Unique approaches to storytelling and forging cultural narratives that pave the way for future creatives.
5 lessons I learned from a decade working with Steve Jobs (and other rock-star founders)
Build the story. Bring voice to the vision. Product is a brand. Make the tough calls. Be clear about your role in the world.
Bad News: Selling the story of disinformation
The fix, you see, has something to do with the algorithm
The secret trick that makes networking suck so much less
So if you struggle with networking, don’t make connections—make friends. Actual, human friends.
10,000 women die in car crashes each year because of bad design
None of this is surprising to car manufacturers or the government agency responsible for car safety standards, both of which have known these statistics for decades.
Is your brand on mute? Why the world’s biggest companies are investing millions in sound
A study by the research company Sentient Decision Science found that sound can influence a person’s desire to engage or avoid a brand by 86%! That’s because people think about what they see, but they feel what they hear.
Yes, Age Does Make Us More Generous
Maybe the real raging madman who consumes our youth is that overpowering, preoccupying self. Age releases us from that grip and lets us appreciate just how valuable other people are.
Leadership with LUV: Lessons From Southwest Airlines
Prepare for adversity. Listen to understand. Coach and support your leaders. The difference is how Southwest brings that strategy to life and certain principles Southwest champions that every leader can learn from.
The Untapped Tool for Growth: Corporate Civic Engagement
By engaging their customers civically, companies also drive customer loyalty. In fact, 79% of consumers agree that companies should take action on political and social issues, and 81% of consumers say they would prefer to buy from a company that supports democracy.
After 2 years, how have the Business Roundtable’s commitments held up?
So, in terms of actually meeting the obligation, I would really have to give them a C-minus. The obligation in and of itself, the statement, was powerful and moving. But so much still needs to be done in terms of their operations, their programs and their funds actually meeting the needs of the community.
How Listening to Constituents Can Lead to Systems Change
Listening to participants allows nonprofits to go beyond the “what” of change to the “how and why,” the first step toward changing unjust systems.
Amy Klobuchar is busy holding Apple’s and Google’s feet to the fire
Well, yeah, there are First Amendment protections to say what you think, but I don’t think that covers them endangering lives. There isn’t a First Amendment protection for someone yelling fire in a theater, and there shouldn’t be First Amendment protections for a (hypothetical) sound system that amplified that over and over and over again and scared people even more. That’s what their algorithms are.
Big pharma’s greed is prolonging the pandemic. It’s inexcusable
We must be clear-eyed about exactly when greed can help our collective interests and when it hinders them. During a crisis as dire as a global pandemic, greed won’t save us.
Word play: A visit to D.C.’s Planet Word
Words worth and a secret passage to poetry.
A new approach to tackling social problems orchestrates the participation of multiple stakeholders in the process from generating ideas to scaling solutions.
The tiny balls of fat that could revolutionize medicine
For over five decades, scientists and engineers like myself have been creating the shipping materials for nucleic acid drugs, like DNA and RNA. But here's the best part: for mRNA therapeutics, these vaccines are only the beginning. mRNA can be used to treat or cure many diseases.
How Brand USA Markets America To Foreign Visitors
Rather than a one-size-fits all campaign, United Stories is a combination of narratives geared to reach the right consumer at the right time on the right platform. Our media approach relies on sequential storytelling, starting with a broad message, transitioning to more product-related content, then offering up a specific call to action.
What We Think We Know About Metabolism May Be Wrong A new study challenges assumptions about energy expenditure by people, including the idea that metabolism slows at middle age. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/12/health/metabolism-weight-aging.html?campaign_id=60&emc=edit_na_20210812&instance_id=0&nl=breaking-news&ref=cta®i_id=13126745&segment_id=66088&user_id=12fe4f6577bc72cbaaaff6e4a498c280
ACs are bulky, loud, and terrible for the environment. Is there a better version in our future?
If the industry doesn’t bring more sustainable machines to the market quickly—and if consumers aren’t enticed to buy them—air conditioners will keep contributing to rising temperatures around the globe.
How Athleta CEO Mary Beth Laughton is takin on Nike by empowering athletes - famous and not
Since becoming CEO in 2019, Laughton has supercharged Athleta’s long-standing mission of empowering its consumers, both famous and not.
How music streaming transformed songwriting
The song and the songwriter fuel everything, from the recording through to live performances, even a T-shirt would not sell if the band hadn't good songs.
If you want to change your life, it is my job to help you.
As an unboxable creative, what is your shade of blue?
How to support a friend or family member who’s struggling with their mental health
Many people who struggle with their mental health already feel a baseline level of guilt for being a drag on other people’s time, energy and mental space.
Inclusion Revolution It’s about far more than public displays on social media, diversity recruiting initiatives and one-and-done anti bias and anti harassment training. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-VMr51yiVc&t=1s
Meet the scientist couple driving an mRNA vaccine revolution
. . . fascinating story of how their decades of mRNA research powered the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine -- and forecast what this breakthrough science could mean for the future of vaccines and other immunotherapy treatments.
Charles Bukowski: poet, Twitter punch line - and internet visionary
“. . . I am aware that a
computer can't create
a poem.
but neither can a
typewriter . . .”
Brainstorm sessions are great. But what comes next is what really matters
The key is involving employees. Employees will always be more engaged in innovation and idea management when they know their ideas will actually be heard and put to use.
The Lesson Your Brand Should Take From Ben & Jerry’s Pull Out of ‘Occupied Palestinian Territory’
Politics aside, this latest move also serves as a blueprint for those working to build an inclusive brand. Inclusive brands are values driven. Many companies and brands have had established values in place for a long-time now. But increasingly, customers are demanding brands share and publicly live those values.
Here’s what happened when a San Francisco nonprofit gave unhoused people $500 a month Miracle Messages supports unhoused people with weekly calls and texts. Then it started giving them cash—and saw a massive impact.
For workers alleging discrimination, a convoluted bureaucracy awaits Employees who bring workplace discrimination charges to the EEOC have to navigate an organization that is chronically understaffed and underfunded. https://www.fastcompany.com/90660766/for-workers-alleging-discrimination-a-convoluted-bureaucracy-awaits?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feedburner+fastcompany&utm_content=feedburner&cid=eem524:524:s00:08/06/2021_fc&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Compass&utm_campaign=eem524:524:s00:08/06/2021_fc
The new era demands that PR embraces corporate social responsibility
Corporations, philanthropies and consumers can work together in lockstep to their mutual benefit, and that of society at large.
Remembering climate change . . . a message from the year 2071
Coming to us from 60 years in the future, legendary sci-fi writer Kim Stanley Robinson tells the "history" of how humanity ended the climate crisis and restored the damage done to Earth's biosphere. A rousing vision of how we might unite to overcome the greatest challenge of our time.
How narcissistic leaders destroy from within
. . . narcissistic people in general have lower levels of integrity—meaning their words and deeds do not align—and that they are more likely to lie, cheat, and steal in order to prove their special status.
. . . narcissists often feel they don’t receive the admiration and credit they deserve, and they can seem pathologically consumed with resentment. That can take the form of petulance, aggression, unhinged public rants, and abuse of underlings.
How every child can thrive by five
Connect. Talk. Play!
How creative are you? This 4-minute word test will tell you According to researchers from McGill, Harvard, and the University of Melbourne, a quick test could reveal how much creative potential lies within.
Targeted ads aren’t just annoying, they can be harmful. Here’s how to fight back. Online targeted advertising divides and isolates us. It’s time to restore the role of consumers as active participants in regulating online advertising.
Am I Writing Great UX Copy? Ask Yourself These 7 Questions
Everyone in your organization should know your brand story, and everyone should work together to tell that story — especially the writers.
Five Steps Social Media Companies Can Take Now To Fight Online Abuse
Writers and journalists increasingly rely on social media platforms to stay on top of news, find sources, engage with readers, and promote their work. Yet their visibility and the nature of their work—to challenge the status quo and hold the powerful accountable—can make them lightning rods for online abuse
“I have nothing to do with the design or marketing of the upcoming Kyrie 8,” Irving wrote on Instagram. “These are trash! I have absolutely nothing to do with them! Nike plans to release it without my okay, regardless of what I say, so I apologize in advance.”
CEOs told to ‘think before they tweet’ after Just Eat spat with Uber
Think twice, tweet once.
The Pandemic Has Hit Gen X Hard. Why Are Companies Overlooking this Pipeline of Talent?
“Hearing employers that have hired job-seekers aged 45 and above say that those workers tend to outperform their younger counterparts is encouraging, but also accentuates the tragedy of today’s employment landscape,” Generation's CEO Mona Mourshed said in a public statement. “We hope this new research spurs governments and employers alike to take steps to counter rampant ageism and to include this forgotten age-group in their recovery efforts.”
Who should be on your 21st century board of directors
Are you wondering about your board of directors being fit for purpose? If you’re a chairperson, or company secretary, or head of the board of governance/nominations committee, the indefatigable Tom Peters has some recommendations for you in his latest book, Excellence Now: Extreme Humanism.
This is the personal brand refresh you need for the future of work
Eye-rollers take note: Whether you intentionally define your personal brand or not, you’ll still have one. Everything about you–what you say, how you say it, what you focus on, how you react, your areas of expertise, how (and if) you show up–all create a set of judgments in the minds of those you interact with. You can only define your desired brand. Others experience your actual brand.
Ruchi Singh - The Forgiveness Project
When people asked what I did do to make him mad was worse than asking why I didn't leave. Excusing his behavior was a form of gaslighting the abuse. Wondering why I didn't leave comes from not understanding the situation. I was always glad they didn't understand because that meant they had never experienced abuse.
The F.C.C.’s first step was setting a June 30 deadline for what it calls “voice service providers” (you know them as phone companies) to register their efforts to reduce the scourge of scams in a public Robocall Mitigation Database. So far, more than 1,500 of them have, the F.C.C. said.
What will it take for brands to design products that aren’t disposable
For companies, there’s little immediate motivation to change, since short product lifespans mean that people end up buying more. But just as designers a century ago pioneered planned obsolescence—the idea that products should rapidly need replacement, either because of frequent upgrades, cheap materials, or because they’re intentionally made impossible to repair—it’s possible for businesses to embrace a new paradigm and redesign products that people want to keep for years or decades or longer.
The Untapped Value of Human Connection
When two people come together, it can actually change the world.
3 steps to turn everyday get-togethers into transformative gatherings
How we gather is how we live.
Writing Can Help Us Heal From Trauma
In writing our stories, we retain authorship over our lives.
Jobs Are Hard to Fill, and Ideology Makes It Hard to Understand Why
Telling one story about why employers are struggling to hire workers doesn’t come close to explaining what is going on with the job market.
Brene with Charles Duhigg on Habits and Productivity
The best productivity app is deep thinking and a thoughtful conversation about unpacking stories.
The Power of Why: Unlocking a Curious Mind
Whether we are running brainstorming sessions, chatting over dinner with our kids or in a meeting with colleagues, we promote curiosity when we ask questions and invite questions, recognizing what we do not know and encouraging others to do the same.
Social media is broken. A new report offers 25 ways to fix it.
Researchers, policymakers, and users have identified several key issues with the social media ecosystem. These include vast power held by a few corporations, which hurts innovation and competition; the spread of false news and debates about the limits of free speech; how social media threatens privacy, election integrity, and democracy; and platform oversight and transparency.
A cleanse won’t detox your body - but here’s what will So many things are sold to us as self-care, and cleanses are no exception, but I believe the best self-care is just learning more about our bodies. That way, we can tune out all the noise and make informed decisions on what we really need.
Documentary films that explore trauma - and make space for healing We humans heal from trauma through feeling safe, through storytelling and through establishing connection with others in our communities. For this little girl re-framing the story she will tell herself it's part of her healing. For us as a society, re-framing her story and pressuring our governments to do better is part of reclaiming our dignity as equals. https://www.ted.com/talks/almudena_toral_documentary_films_that_explore_trauma_and_make_space_for_healing?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2021-07-09#t-4419
The ad industry just got a wake-up call for its mistreatment of women
Mad men and mismatched packaging. Maybe the real miss is covering harassment and buns and wieners in the same segment . . . OOPS!
The biggest branding mistake too many companies make
Put simply: it’s time for businesses to stop using “brand purpose” as a means to conveniently suit certain criteria or align with social trends. Purpose needs to be built into your company from the ground up.
4 big issues leaders should be thinking about as we return to work
Consider creating a communication plan that lays out the types of information you will share, how you will share it and at what frequency. Think inclusively. The successes will come from organizations with leaders who are thoughtful and deliberate, those who ask questions of their employees and listen to what they say, and who take what they’ve learned over the past year with a growth mindset to apply it going forward, iterate and try again.
Biden’s FTC may force tech companies to let you repair your devices
Right-to-repair proponents such as Kiens have said repair restrictions ultimately harm the environment because consumers are more likely to just throw away their device rather than endure the time, trouble, and expense of sending it in for repair.
The infinite alchemy of storytelling
We’re a multiplicity of stories
The twisted psychology of capitalism - and why it won’t hold sway forever
The manufacture of desire results in the best of times for the rich. The worst of times for the poor. Same as it ever was.
Stunning new museum brings Hans Christian Andersen’s stories to life
Stunning new museum brings Hans Christian Andersen’s stories to life
“Authors, often they can’t be trusted. Especially fairy tale authors, because they’re making stuff up. So there’s no true version of Andersen.”
What makes a news story trustworthy? Americans point to the outlet that publishes it, sources cited
the news organization that publishes it (88%); the sources cited in it (86%); their gut instinct about it (77%); the person, if any, who shared it with them (68%); and the specific journalist who reported it (66%). Just 24% of adults say it’s at least somewhat important to consider a sixth factor included in the survey: whether the story has a lot of shares, comments or likes on social media.
Inside Neeva, the ad-free, privacy-first search engine from ex-Googlers
“It’s (search) bad for you, it’s addictive, but it doesn’t give you cancer. The thing that gives you cancer, the tobacco, if you will, is the ad model.
Never mind Wimbledon, Naomi Osaka and her brand partners are acing this moment.
With a more direct connection to their audience and fans through their social media, athletes can turn each post into an image-building moment, their own story told by them. In other words, athletes—no longer solely dependent on major media and marketers to tell us who they are—have taken significant ownership of their personal brands. When it comes to partners, increasingly, these athletes are also moving from hold-the-product-and-smile endorsers to company investors.
Workers are saying ‘screw you’ to their leaders. Here’s why and how to fix it.
If you’re calling this attitude entitlement and ignoring it—or retaliating with tighter constraints on where and when your employees work—you’re missing a huge opportunity to transform your team and your company.
Why not working first thing on Monday can supercharge your productivity
Your work schedule should work for you, not the other way around.
The most popular design thinking strategy is BS
The “we” in HMW refers to the people in the room, not to the users, customers, or populations for whom teams are designing their products and services. The prompt looks inward instead of outward, encouraging people to build solutions that suit their own needs and experiences. They end up with offerings that don’t serve customer needs, and may even hurt the people they’re meant to help.
Power+Connection with Gabor Mate
(Posted) Crushing climate impacts to hit sooner than feared: draft UN report
Climate change will fundamentally reshape life on Earth in the coming decades, even if humans can tame planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions, according to a landmark draft report from the UN's climate science advisors obtained by AFP.
The best storytellers go beyond telling to shaping the story.
Study of social media, collective behavior should be a “crisis discipline,” researchers say
Observing multiple features of algorithmic systems and their application, the researchers conclude that “we are offloading our evolved information-foraging processes onto algorithms. But these algorithms are typically designed to maximize profitability, with often insufficient incentive to promote an informed, just, healthy, and sustainable society.” Indeed, “Given that algorithms and companies are already altering our global patterns of behavior for financial reasons, there is no safe hands-off approach.”
Can you actually boost your immune system? Here’s the truth
If you're getting all the nutrients you need from a healthy, balanced diet, taking more of a single vitamin won't help your immune system function any better overall. For some vitamins, if you take in more than you need, your body will just get rid of the excess as waste. Vitamin supplements are only needed if you have a true real deficiency. In fact, some studies tell us that vitamins and supplements, when they're not medically needed, may have negative effects.
Coca-Cola’s Ronaldo fiasco highlights risk to brands in social media age
Just as the message needs to fit the medium, the sponsorship needs to fit the sport.
How to find meaning after loss
The meaning isn't in the horrible event. The meaning is in us. It's what we find afterwards.
The Evolution Of Marketing: A Candid Conversation With The Father Of Modern Marketing
Functionality. Emotions. Purpose. Digital. Information. Entrepreneurship.
How to be a professional troublemaker
Disrupt for the greater good.
Do I mean it? Can I defend it? Can I say it thoughtfully?
Why so many products are badly designed
Engineering failure . . . Absent from required classes, then or today, are the interdisciplinary insights that are essential to designing good things for people. Instead, students are taught to build things that function technically but not humanely.
A Film Tries to Make a Difference for Domestic Violence Survivors
“And So I Stayed” examines how the courts treat women who kill their abusers. The movie played a role in one case that resulted in freedom after a conviction.
What if fear were just a feeling?
Be. Here. Now.
Essential questions to ask your future self
It can be difficult to care about a version of ourselves we haven’t met yet.
How to support yourself (and others) through grief
Being present is a powerful ally. Ask for help. Make a new plan. Give grace.
Companies fire employees for these personality traits, but maybe they should be getting bonuses
But if you’re searching for innovation’s secret ingredient, then finding people who don’t fit, won’t conform, and are ready to speak up and stand out might be the key to everything.
A queer journey from shame to self-love
We all reproduce shameful and shaming behaviors, because we're all trying to escape our own shame.
Social-Tech Entrepreneurs: Building Blocks of a New Social Economy
Technology in the service of social entrepreneurship presents many opportunities. It can enable robust new solutions and help scale existing ones. It can also support engagement, contribute to the sustainability of social enterprises, and boost financial investment.
Forget ad optimization: This VC wants to invest in startups working on real problems As the country’s challenges loom larger, the next generation of techies—not the government—may be called upon to solve everything from overhauling education to landing on Mars.
These are the 3 types of mental downtime your brain needs
Clear your mind. Relax executive control. Restore calm.
Why Doing Good Is No Longer Bad Business
Earning the perception of good corporate citizenship, in the form of environmental, social and governance bona fides, is no longer optional for the modern executive.
Yes, 1.5 Million Krispy Kreme Donuts Can Help Make a Difference
In the end, Krispy Kreme deployed a simple, tried and true tactic to perform as a solid, credible corporate citizen: Use your product or service for the greater good. It can work for technology, cardboard packaging, personal care products, and yes, certainly for donuts.
Spirituality & Depression: A Conversation with author Johann Hari
A long listen worth every word.
How to discover your “why” in difficult times
“ . . . your Why is the thing you give to the world.”
Brene’ with Dr Clint Smith on How the Word is Passed
We have a responsibility and accountability to get the story and the history right. Because when we can be honest about the history, we can begin to acknowledge it, reckon with it, and heal from it.
We Need to Reimagine the Modern Think Tank
“ . . . those with lived experiences are as much policy experts as anyone with a PhD from an Ivy League university.”
Are We (Finally) Ready For Compassionate Capitalism?
Employees and consumers increasingly want companies to do that. A similar trend shows that citizens expect it of their governments.
For Social Business to Become the Norm, We Need to Build a Social Business InfrastructureIf social businesses remain a niche in an ecosystem designed to support profit-oriented businesses, then it will be difficult for them to survive, let alone thrive. More critically, if the exclusive pursuit of profit and shareholder value remains the core force driving of our economic and social systems, then inequalities will only increase, and we will continue to destroy our natural ecosystems at a speed that endangers not only other species but also humanity itself.https://ssir.org/articles/entry/for_social_business_to_become_the_norm_we_need_to_build_a_social_business_infrastructure?utm_source=Enews&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=SSIR_Now
Taxation isn’t theft, but avoiding taxes is When they avoid their responsibility to the nation, it’s working folks and small businesses that are left to pick up the check. Taxation isn’t theft, but avoiding taxes is. https://www.fastcompany.com/90636996/taxation-isnt-theft-but-avoiding-taxes-is?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feedburner+fastcompany&utm_content=feedburner&cid=eem524:524:s00:05/17/2021_fc&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Compass&utm_campaign=eem524:524:s00:05/17/2021_fc
We need to talk about how the new way to work is about outcomes, not hours
Building a successful culture in today’s new workplace environment requires trust, flexibility, and a philosophy of work based on results and not on chair time.
We need to start thinking more radically about how we develop new products, and also the supply chains to enable a more circular system that reduces e-waste, beyond the gains from more—and better—recycling.
The ‘Capitalism is Broken’ Economy
We should ask ourselves, our communities, and our government: if a business can’t pay a living wage, should it be a business? If it’s too expensive for businesses to provide healthcare for their workers, maybe we need to decouple it from employment? If childcare is a market failure, but we need childcare for the economy to work, how can the government build that infrastructure? If the pay you provide workers doesn’t allow them to live in the community, what needs to change? Collectively, we should be thinking of different funding models, different ownership scenarios, and different growth imperatives. Failure to do so is simply resigning ourselves to another round of this rigged game.
How happy we are in our future will be based solely on our action or inaction across all facets of life, not just the working week. You are the key to unleashing your own happiness.
‘Belonging Is Stronger Than Facts’: The Age of Misinformation Growing hostility between the two halves of America feeds social distrust, which makes people more prone to rumor and falsehood. The second driver of the misinformation era is the emergence of high-profile political figures who encourage their followers to indulge their desire for identity-affirming misinformation. Then there is the third factor — a shift to social media, which is a powerful outlet for composers of disinformation, a pervasive vector for misinformation itself and a multiplier of the other risk factors.
Does Capitalism Need a Soul Transplant?
Think of ESG as a Big Four audit of your company's overall impact on the world. Its impact on people as well as on the earth.
Should marketing or CSR own the purpose agenda?
No room for silo mentality
Apple AirTags could enable domestic abuse in terrifying ways
But technology often comes with unintended consequences, explain representatives from the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), a leading nonprofit with the goal of ending violence against women. NNEDV sits on advisory boards for Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Uber and has consulted for both Google and Apple in the past (but not on AirTags). The organization’s representatives say that while Apple AirTags are a cheap, easy-to-use product to find a lost item, they are also a worrisome surveillance tool that could be leveraged by an abuser to discreetly track a partner. An AirTag simply needs to be slipped into someone’s bag or jacket pocket to track exactly where they go.
“Let the paint dry” - a lesson in creativity, career and patience
In order for me to do what I really want to do, I have to let this paint dry.
Stop making excuses. Create your own reality: Gary Whitehill at TEDxBayArea
There are people in this world who viscerally believe so much in something that they literally go through pain for hours because they have a story to tell. There are countless people in the world who believe stories are the epicenter of everything humans care about.
Silence Is Not An Option: Research Shows Consumers Expect CEOs To Take A Stand On Political Issues
62% of respondents to a Harris Poll survey conducted between mid-March and mid-April say that if companies morally disagree with laws, it’s important that they say so publicly.
How to talk about climate change so people actually care
Real. Relevant. Relatable.
How to challenge conventional wisdom — and change any industry
Cancel Culture and the Ethical Center of Corporate Social Responsibility The hidden threat behind the “cancel culture” slur
Ben & Jerry’s has successfully blended ice cream and activism for decades - here’s how
At the intersection of activism and confectionary delight is none other than Ben & Jerry’s. The company has stood up for everything from climate change to same sex marriage to Black lives matter and defunding the police. And in June 2020, the brand took a bold stance against white supremacy, proving that in business, silence is no longer an option.
Don’t Take Your Head Out of the Clouds
New research shows that daydreaming can inspire happiness if you purposefully engage with meaningful topics, such as pleasant memories of loved ones or imagined scenes of triumph in the face of all odds.
Want your brand to matter?
Take lessons from the Velvet Underground Branding, at its core, is the act of influencing perception. But when it comes down to it, cultural impact isn’t about having the widest reach or being everything to everyone: It’s about knowing your community, knowing your place in the world, and embracing it in every step of your story.
75 Artists, 7 Questions, One Very Bad Year
How would you answer these questions?
Why You Shouldn’t Put Your Social Media On Autopilot
Autopilots are a great aid to airline pilots when the skies are clear. But, when you are flying into a storm, you want at least one skilled human pilot to be fully engaged. The same principle applies to your social media accounts.
No, Dr Seuss and Mr Potato Had haven’t been ‘cancelled’. Here’s the difference
Instead of focusing on the outrage of the week, we need to focus on toxic employers who mistreat workers here and abroad, and consider using collective action to punish industries and corporations that have essentially cancelled the futures of entire generations.
Cheryl Strayed on Design Matters
Sometimes the story is in the journey.
Why do we, like hesitate when we, um, speak?
So are ums and uhs just a habit we can’t break? Or is there more to them than meets the ear?
Media pitch coach: The art of finding and shaping the story
Does it read more like a corporate brochure than a journalistic headline? Does it sound more like a tweet than a journalistic headline? It’s not about you, it’s about news.
How compassion could save your strained relationships
Instead of cancelling, try compassion, curiosity and empathy. What if we’re the ones to plant seeds of change, influence and diversity. If you don’t plant it, who will?
The #dreamMaker Chronicles: How This Coloring Book Creator Is Empowering Genegalese Girls To Go After Their Goals On The Field And In Business
“Seeing the outcome of it all was such an incredible experience, and now seeing her in Forbes is another example of the ripple effect of #dreamMaker. The ripple effect is one of my favorite parts of this movement because helping one person multiplies. You have no idea how many lives change . . “ Charles Ressler
‘If not us, then who?’
These doctors and nurses battle covid all day. then they go online and fight misinformation.
Education is the best inoculation against misinformation. Stories educate and resonate. Thanks for sharing this story, Sara Cureton MA, M.Ed. (she, her).
Nonprofits Need to Change for Good, and the Moment Is NowLeave organizational egos at the door. Collaborate intentionally and creatively. Don’t be afraid of merging.https://ssir.org/articles/entry/nonprofits_need_to_change_for_good_and_the_moment_is_now?utm_source=Enews&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=SSIR_Now
On the Human Behind the Consumer
We choose with the heart and use numbers to justify.
Stop worshiping at the altar of data.
How theater weathers wars, outlasts empires and survives pandemics
But while theaters may be dark, theater as an artform has the potential to shine a light on how we can process and use this time apart to build a brighter, more equitable, healthier future together.
David Sedaris on his trip to the Apple Store
Patronizing instead of personal service. Infuriating that customer service has been replaced by company service and repairs are rare with replacements plentiful.
CSR will drive communications in 2021 and beyond
The global pandemic is forcing all types of organisations to do better and since last year, more emphasis is being put on a company’s CSR initiatives, which are being built not only into the communications strategy, but also the business strategy, becoming integral to the brand, and whether it survives.
Finding Your Inner Erin Brockovich
Erin, Inner Wisdom & The Wizard of Oz
Brands Against Humanity is here to remind you that your favorite company is still evil
Instead of setting up pop culture and poop jokes, each white card in Brands Against Humanity lists an exceptionally egregious and unethical decision that a famous company has made in the past.
Why Your Virtual Presentations Are Destined To Fail And How You Can Prevent It
“When it comes to virtual presentations, converting your existing material is the wrong approach. You can’t translate your big stage or meeting room events for the small screen and expect them be effective. Instead, treat virtual presentations as a completely new opportunity. Your inspiration should not be derived from the best on-stage speeches; it needs to come from what engages people when they’re looking at their 13” (or smaller) screens.”
Who’s Making All Those Scam Calls?
Because the overwhelming majority of call centers in the country (India) are engaged in legitimate business, the ones that aren’t can hide in plain sight.
Mars starts influencer-powered crowdsourcing campaign to amplify women’s voices
"With more than 70% of brand purchasing decisions made by women, we believe it’s critical for businesses to hear directly what women — across the globe and at every intersection — need to realize their full potential. Only then can we truly understand the role businesses can and should play in shaping a more inclusive marketplace."
How technology changes our sense of right and wrong
This is a time to build community. This is not a time to continue ripping nations apart.
50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says
The incomes of the rich grew much faster in countries where tax rates were lowered. Instead of trickling down to the middle class, tax cuts for the rich may not accomplish much more than help the rich keep more of their riches and exacerbate income inequality, the research indicates.
Tim Cook May Have Just Ended Facebook
What are the consequences?
Do I want a business that serves my customers? Or one that takes advantage of customers to serve my business?
The Staggering, Heartless Cruelty Toward the Elderly
Lost entirely is the fact that the elderly are individual human beings, each with a distinctive face and voice, each with hopes and dreams, memories and regrets, friendships and marriages, loves lost and loves sustained.
Twitter acquiring newsletter publishing company Revue
The addition of long-form writing could help strengthen the company's relationship with journalists, thought leaders, and subject matter experts that are looking for a space to share deeper thoughts.
Birdwatch: Twitter pilot will allow users to flag misinformation
This is like Wikipedia for Truth in News. It will be interesting to see whether this will be seen as empowering users to own their public platform participation or pass-the-buck-policing harmful, inaccurate content.
Lost touch: how a year without hugs affects our mental health
As the pandemic continues, many of us will be trying to cope with profound stress without the comfort of touch. We all have different needs and boundaries, but the total absence of touch, particularly when emotions are high, contravenes the hardwiring that regulates us from our preverbal years.
Good Leadership Is About Asking Good Questions
By asking questions as a leader, you also communicate that questioning is important. You’ll inspire people to identify new opportunities and to ask for help when they need it.
Actor Ryan Reynolds’ Subversive Startup May Be The Best Ad Agency In America Right Now
His ad agency doesn’t just create content but provides his own channels.
Forget Zoom happy hours. Here are 4 livelier ways to socialize remotely
Grab a snack, pour yourself a beverage, and prepare to have some fun.
Is It Time To Reset Your Corporate Narrative?
Not only is storytelling incredibly effective, but consumers and audiences crave a human story—above all, now.
Using your voice is a political choice Poetry is interesting because not everyone is going to become a great poet, but anyone can be, and anyone can enjoy poetry, and it's this openness, this accessibility of poetry that makes it the language of people. Poetry has never been the language of barriers, it's always been the language of bridges. And it's this connection- making that makes poetry, yes, powerful, but also makes it political. https://www.ted.com/talks/amanda_gorman_using_your_voice_is_a_political_choice?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2021-01-22
22-year-old Amanda Gorman Inauguration poem
The Hill We Climb
How a strong creative industry helps economies thrive I would argue one of the best ways to safeguard democracy is to expose everyone to each other's stories, music, cultures and histories, and of course, it's the creative economy that does that best. It's the sector that helps teach civil society how to access new ideas that are free of bias. Artists have long found ways to inspire inclusion, tell stories and make music for lasting political impact. The late, great American hero, Congressman John Lewis, understood this when he said, "Without dance, without drama, without photography, the civil rights movement would have been like a bird without wings."
The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with Reverend Bernice King
A conversation that matters between Marianne Williamson and Reverend Bernice King followed by some tough questions.
How your brain responds to stories - and why they’re crucial for leaders A great story also builds an idea. It helps you see something that you can no longer unsee, leaving you changed, because stories actually do leave you changed. And a great story communicates value. Stanford has done research on one of the best ways to shape organizational culture, and it is storytelling, because it's going to demonstrate what you value and encourage or what you don't value and what you discourage.
Controlling the spread of misinformation
Six “degrees of manipulation”—impersonation, conspiracy, emotion, polarization, discrediting, and trolling—are used to spread misinformation and disinformation . . .
6 lessons for women leaders
It's important to the aspiration of girls and women that they see role models they can relate to.
He Created the Web. Now He’s Out to Remake the Digital World.
Mr. Berners-Lee’s vision of personal data sovereignty stands in sharp contrast to the harvest-and-hoard model of the big tech companies.
A Truth Reckoning: Why We’re Holding Those Who Lied for Trump Accountable
As American democracy rebounds, we need to return to a standard of truth when it comes to how the government communicates with the governed. The easiest way to do that, from where I sit, is to create repercussions for those who don’t follow the civic norms.
The real reason why we are tired and what to do about it
Sleep and rest are not the same thing. Rest is the most underused, chemical-free, safe and effective alternative therapy available to us.
The counterintuitive way to be more persuasive
By increasing the number of arguments, you do not strengthen your case, but rather you actively weaken it.
When Business and Politics Mix, ‘Character Really Counts’
We need to bind ourselves as a country. People don’t talk to anybody anymore. They’re linking up digitally with like-minded people and getting that kind of filter of reinforcement all the time. We have to do things that break down those barriers and get people to engage with each other. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/09/business/dealbook/business-politics-responsibility.html
The attempted coup at the Capitol needs to be brand’s wake-up call about funding online disinformation
“But while many marketers are wringing their hands about how to respond to the events of one day this week, what they really should be using this time to do is reexamine how and where their brand is appearing and, more important, what it’s funding through its advertising dollars the other 364 days a year.”
The Spirit of Neil Pert
‘You can do a lot in a lifetime if you don’t burn out too fast.’
Empathy: The glue we need to fix a fractured world
The idea is to move beyond the source of difference and to try to find some common ground. And the way that I encourage people to do this is by telling stories. There’s evidence from political science and the practice of “deep canvassing” that storytelling is a powerful way to bridge differences.
A Conversation with Andrew Yang
Marianne Williamson welcomes her friend Andrew Yang as they talk election results, the need for direct cash relief and the work that needs to be done as we “battle for the soul of the Democratic Party.
How can we actually pay people enough
Capitalism urgently needs an upgrade, says PayPal CEO Dan Schulman, and it starts with paying people enough to actually invest in their futures.
Caroline Myss: American Archetypes
In her first episode, Marianne (Williamson) sits down with her longtime friend for a conversation about America’s psychological dynamics, spirituality, politics, and the oversecularization of our society.
Ten Marketing Predictions for 2021
During an economic downturn, companies that pull back and starve marketing efforts, do not perform well. And, when our consumerism-driven environment reengages, those brands will be further behind than they were when they made those budget-conscious decisions.
Life’s Work: An Interview with Tina Turner
I saw that by overcoming my obstacles, I could build indestructible happiness and inspire others to do the same.Regardless of cultural or religious background, personal beliefs, or any other factor, each one of us can open the path to our personal version of a peaceful and happy life.
B Corporations: A Potential Path To a Better Form of Capitalism?
A different sense of corporate purpose
Facebook is the worst brand of the year
You know you have a brand problem when your Super Bowl ad agency—one of the world’s very best—publicly questions the morality of simply having you as a client, as Wieden+Kennedy’s Colleen DeCourcy did in a Time back in October.
In 2020, this organization has fed people through hurricanes, wildfires, an explosion and the pandemic. Here’s how . . . Their team understands that hunger requires immediate attention — there isn’t time to wait for ingredient approvals or fill out forms or navigate other bureaucratic hurdles. Everywhere we go, we get the same amazing lesson: A community knows what it needs, and we can achieve so much more when we listen to those needs and empower people to act locally,” says Andrés. https://ideas.ted.com/world-central-kitchen-feeds-people-jose-andres-nate-mook-crisis-pandemic-hunger/
Taking time to remember a painful year we’d all rather forget
This long year is one we’d rather forget, but I think we’ll always remember that our real superheroes wear no capes. They put in 12-hour shifts, risk grave illness and even death. All they ask is that we wear a damn mask and respect the social distance rules. https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/taking-time-to-remember-a-painful-year-wed-all-rather-forget?utm_source=The+Nevada+Independent&utm_campaign=c24e8f4de6-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_12_21_03_53_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_15592b5f76-c24e8f4de6-362249681
Change Your Story, Transform Your Life Begin with your autobiographical narrative. It’s your personal documentary film, playing in your head like a loop. And if you want to change your life, it needs a re-edit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN_zmzKT2Wk&feature=youtu.be
What the world’s sappiest holiday ads reveal about branding in 2021 If you can’t relate the emotion back to your experience of the brand, you just come across as disingenuous. https://www.fastcompany.com/90589554/what-the-worlds-sappiest-ads-reveal-about-branding-in-2021?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feedburner+fastcompany&utm_content=feedburner&cid=eem524:524:s00:12/24/2020_fc&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Compass&utm_campaign=eem524:524:s00:12/24/2020_fc
Homework for Life
There are stories in your life all the time. There are moments when you connect to someone and your heart moves or your position on something changes or you discover something for the first time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7p329Z8MD0
The most popular TED talks of 2020 Here are the most popular Ted talks we listened to last year. https://www.ted.com/playlists/780/the_most_popular_talks_of_2020?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=playlist__2020-12-21playlist_button
If trees could talk So one of the many beauties of the art of storytelling is to imagine yourself inside someone else's voice. But as writers, as much as we love stories and words, I believe we must also be interested in silences: the things we cannot talk about easily in our societies, the marginalized, the disempowered. https://www.ted.com/talks/elif_shafak_if_trees_could_speak?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-12-21#t-225959
Songs from the Young@Heart Long live ROCK! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/songs-from-the-young-at-heart/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab6i&linkId=107551239
Promoting the power of kindness Kindness is a fierce tool. It's a power we have. We just need to decide to use it. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/promoting-the-power-of-kindness/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab6i&linkId=107550891
The shadow pandemic of domestic violence during COVID-19 Some stories are dying to get out. https://www.ted.com/talks/kemi_dasilva_ibru_the_shadow_pandemic_of_domestic_violence_during_covid_19?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-12-17
Brené with Jim Collins on Curiosity, Generosity, and the Hedgehog A long and insightful conversation about values, shadow values, the power of curiosity and Jim’s integrated framework call The Map. https://brenebrown.com/podcast/brene-with-jim-collins-on-curiosity-generosity-and-the-hedgehog/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=Facebook&utm_campaign=bb_dtlpodcast
Keep Making Things
Love what you do. https://creativemornings.com/talks/benchestnut/6?mc_cid=5621ae6b73&mc_eid=103186b5a3
How creative writing can help you through life’s hardest moments “Writing it down captures the memory. Writing it down acknowledges its existence.” https://www.ted.com/talks/sakinah_hofler_how_creative_writing_can_help_you_through_life_s_hardest_moments?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-12-09#t-62573
Purpose Over Profit: Embracing Socially Conscious Capitalism For The Good Of Your Brand This upcoming megatrend will irrevocably affect brands and narratives, as “doing good” becomes the new “bigger, better, faster.” Consumers are focusing on brands that share their values: 53% say they would rather forgo a gift than receive one from a retailer whose values do not align with their own. This indicates that consumers are more sensitive to brands’ values and that brand purpose is under more scrutiny now than ever before.
Ben & Jerry’s teams up with Colin Kaepernick on new ice-cream flavor to ‘Change the Whirled’ “Colin Kaepernick’s Change the Whirled,” like the celebrity who inspired it, is vegan and will be a nondairy frozen dessert featuring a caramel sunflower butter base with fudge chips, graham cracker swirls, and chocolate cookie swirls. https://www.fastcompany.com/90584048/ben-jerrys-teams-up-with-colin-kaepernick-on-new-ice-cream-flavor-to-change-the-whirled?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feedburner+fastcompany&utm_content=feedburner&cid=eem524:524:s00:12/10/2020_fc&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Compass&utm_campaign=eem524:524:s00:12/10/2020_fc
The clues to a great story Graphic Language Alert: We all love stories. We're born for them. Stories affirm who we are. We all want affirmations that our lives have meaning. And nothing does a greater affirmation than when we connect through stories. It can cross the barriers of time, past, present and future, and allow us to experience the similarities between ourselves and through others, real and imagined. https://www.ted.com/talks/andrew_stanton_the_clues_to_a_great_story#t-215548
A strategy for supporting and listening to others
Think: respect space. Be guided by respect space. It's a simple concept with a huge impact. You can't step into that space until you're invited. https://www.ted.com/talks/jeremy_brewer_a_strategy_for_supporting_and_listening_to_others?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-12-11
Jeffrey Shaw Podcast: Jason Dorsey - How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business Generation Z, is the emerging generation that is not only the fastest growing, but the most diverse and influential. Baby boomers, Millennials, and Gen X follow the trends that Generation Z are setting, in business, lifestyle and social causes. This proves that it is now more important that ever to listen and understand the voice of this generation, in order to run a successful business. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5VQpBaUd05ECtmX0hyATlb?si=o3ETGP8HSPeWttyRY6vneA
How to Citizen We can change the action which changes the story which changes the system. Systems are just collective stories we buy into. When we change them we write a better reality. https://www.npr.org/2020/12/03/942183533/how-to-citizen
Purpose At Work: Warby Parker’s Keys To Success Today, the most successful businesses are driven by a marriage of humanity and technology, purpose and profit, story and data. https://www.forbes.com/sites/simonmainwaring/2020/12/01/purpose-at-work-warby-parkers-keys-to-success/?sh=551e22c9dba7
Building a Trust-Based Philanthropy to Shift Power Back to Communities
As trust-based philanthropy shifts the onus onto funders to better understand their grantees—rather than having their grantees prove their efficacy—this tide could be changing. https://ssir.org/articles/entry/building_a_trust_based_philanthropy_to_shift_power_back_to_communities?utm_source=Enews&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=SSIR_Now
What is a weapon in the Information Age? . . . In the information age, some of the most powerful weapons are the things that can track and identify us. https://www.ted.com/talks/sharon_weinberger_what_is_a_weapon_in_the_information_age?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-12-04
Fossil fuel companies know how to stop global warming. Why don’t they? They’re waiting for someone to pay for it. https://www.ted.com/talks/myles_allen_fossil_fuel_companies_know_how_to_stop_global_warming_why_don_t_they?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-12-04#t-9957
Here's why you need to have more bad ideas Befriending your bad ideas is a useful way forward. They’re not your enemy. They are essential steps on the path to better. https://ideas.ted.com/heres-why-you-need-to-have-more-bad-ideas/
The 7 secrets to a great conversation A creative conversation must move us forward. It must help us shift from thinking and talking into the act of doing. Agreement cannot be enough; action is required. https://www.fastcompany.com/90580827/the-7-secrets-to-a-great-conversation?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feedburner+fastcompany&utm_content=feedburner&cid=eem524:524:s00:12/02/2020_fc&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Compass&utm_campaign=eem524:524:s00:12/02/2020_fc
The culture is ailing. It’s time for a Dr. Fauci for the arts. You know what doesn’t get a seat at the table, and never has? The arts. Now, more than ever, we need a secretary of arts and culture. https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/biden-fauci-secretary-of-arts-cabinet-post/2020/12/01/a04f3bf8-2da3-11eb-bae0-50bb17126614_story.html
Patagonia’s palindrome poem ad is a check on runaway Black Friday Cyber Monday spending The new ad is part of Patagonia’s broader “Buy Less, Demand More,” campaign around Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which includes a more straightforward pitch for the brand, outlining just how it’s working to get to a more healthy future, and how we as consumers can help. https://www.fastcompany.com/90580854/patagonias-palindrome-poem-ad-is-a-check-on-runaway-black-friday-cyber-monday-spending?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feedburner+fastcompany&utm_content=feedburner&cid=eem524:524:s00:11/30/2020_fc&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Compass&utm_campaign=eem524:524:s00:11/30/2020_fc
Brené Brown with Priya Parker on The Art of Gathering
Zoom is just a room. https://brenebrown.com/podcast/brene-with-priya-parker-on-the-art-of-gathering/
David Whyte talks about the radical role of poetry in society and oneselfhttps://creativemornings.com/talks/david-whyte-online/1?mc_cid=407c1ebb74&mc_eid=103186b5a3
Patagonia’s palindrome poem ad is a check on runaway Black Friday Cyber Monday spending The new ad is part of Patagonia’s broader “Buy Less, Demand More,” campaign around Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which includes a more straightforward pitch for the brand, outlining just how it’s working to get to a more healthy future, and how we as consumers can help. https://www.fastcompany.com/90580854/patagonias-palindrome-poem-ad-is-a-check-on-runaway-black-friday-cyber-monday-spending?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feedburner+fastcompany&utm_content=feedburner&cid=eem524:524:s00:11/30/2020_fc&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Compass&utm_campaign=eem524:524:s00:11/30/2020_fc
Brené Brown with Priya Parker on The Art of Gathering
Zoom is just a room. https://brenebrown.com/podcast/brene-with-priya-parker-on-the-art-of-gathering/
David Whyte talks about the radical role of poetry in society and oneself https://creativemornings.com/talks/david-whyte-online/1?mc_cid=407c1ebb74&mc_eid=103186b5a3
How reverse mentorship can help create better leaders Different perspectives make better leaders. Forward-thinking organizations use reverse mentoring as one of the tools to help them build a more inclusive environment. https://www.ted.com/talks/patrice_gordon_how_reverse_mentorship_can_help_create_better_leaders?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-11-23#t-12483
How to support witnesses of harassment and build healthier workplaces People take that story with them and that discontent grows as they tell more and more people, and this has the real effect that is almost certainly threatening your ability as an organization to retain and attract diverse and excellent candidates. https://www.ted.com/talks/julia_shaw_how_to_support_witnesses_of_harassment_and_build_healthier_workplaces
10 Lessons from CEOs on how to manage corporate reputation in a new era of activism
All stakeholder groups are demanding more from companies, including business actions that demonstrate people over profit, leadership on non-business-related issues, and radical transparency about how they operate.
Learn from Nature. Monocultures do not work.
Learn from nature. Monocultures do not work in our natural systems, and they have no business in our operations either.
Snacks are the BEST meal of the day!
Brené with Guy Raz on How I Built This The transformative power of stories is Guy’s sweet spot. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6z4YweMcQYDIEc5RqHTEaC?si=etCxudl0RUGw7HpAvKoFnw
Rock Legends AC/DC say new album is a tribute to the late Malcolm Young| 60 Minutes Australia It is possible to do U-Turns on the Highway to Hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CjX_cnYitc
Build Trust Capital to Survive Pandemic Pressures Trust is earned over a long term. However, trust can be lost quickly. People prefer to do business with businesses they trust. Responsibility provides competitive advantage. Demonstrate good global corporate citizenship. Corporate Social Responsibility is not a separate division within the organization. It is a way of doing business. https://www.forbes.com/sites/larrylight/2020/11/16/build-trust-capital-to-survive-pandemic-pressures/?sh=5405b07f6544
“This is revolutionary”: new online bookshop unites indies to rival Amazon . . a socially conscious alternative to Amazon that allows readers to buy books online while supporting their local independent bookseller. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/nov/02/this-is-revolutionary-new-online-bookshop-unites-indies-to-rival-amazon?CMP=share_btn_link
Brands, Marketing Diversity and Equity - A #MinfulSocial panel Before you can take a stand, you have to understand your story. https://janetfouts.com/diversity-panel/
To future generations of women, you are the roots of change Think of change as a tree. It doesn’t grow from the top down so we shouldn’t be waiting for someone to tell us what to do. It grows from the bottom up and we are the roots of change. https://www.ted.com/talks/gloria_steinem_to_future_generations_of_women_you_are_the_roots_of_change?utm_campaign=daily&utm_content=button__2020-11-13&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter_daily
How to be fearless in the face of authoritarianism Fearlessness takes two. It only works if and when we show up for each other. Show up so that your neighbor, your colleague, your friend has courage. And they will do the same for you. https://www.ted.com/talks/sviatlana_tsikhanouskaya_how_to_be_fearless_in_the_face_of_authoritarianism?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-11-12#t-329333
Why Isn’t Your Brand Bigger? The Data Point to One Answer
Great brands are built and sustained by a workforce that:
- understands your unique competitive differentiator
- aligns their performance to deliver on that singular promise https://www.gallup.com/workplace/323165/why-isn-brand-bigger-data-point-one-answer.aspx?utm_source=workplace_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=workplace_newsletter_email_2_nov_11102020&utm_content=create_cta_1&elqTrackId=490e8b9f70ec477fa359f77eb820c2fa&elq=f6526cfbe1d5423699f8f1f0bde7e6d1&elqaid=5433&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=1131
Elizabeth Lesser on the Power of Storytelling from the Perspective o Women When women tell the stories, the story changes. https://socapglobal.com/2020/11/ep-43-elizabeth-lesser-on-the-power-of-storytelling-from-the-perspective-of-women/?utm_source=SOCAP+COMMUNITY&utm_campaign=afd5bcc6c8-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_11&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a95185a07b-afd5bcc6c8-389371242&mc_cid=afd5bcc6c8&mc_eid=319ec6ce6b
Brene with Joh Meacham on the Soul of America History is filled with stories. What we learn depends on how it’s edited. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1HMThOBdjVcnS2Q7pG8QKk?si=SfCjD94xRmqTYXO1uHS4og
3 questions to ask yourself about everything you do How you respond to setbacks is what defines your character, says Stacey Abrams, the first Black woman in the history of the United States to be nominated by a major party for governor. https://www.ted.com/talks/stacey_abrams_3_questions_to_ask_yourself_about_everything_you_do?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-11-06
Lessons on leaving the world better than you found it
Make well-being your metrics.
The radical act of choosing common ground.
Choose love. Find the commons.
What’s a snollygoster? A short lesson in political speak
What if a US presidential candidate refuses to concede after an election?
For instance, did you know that under our constitution a presidential candidate could actually lose the popular vote, fail to get a majority in the electoral college, refuse to concede, manipulate hidden mechanisms in our government and still get sworn in as the president of the United States of America?
Sexual assault, shame and teaching kids to ask for help
No doesn’t always work.
A conversation with Fender’s Evan Jones on going 1:1 to disrupt CX + a no rules world for brands as agents of consumer expressioin
He (Leo Fender) said he believed “artists are angels and it's our job to give them wings to fly.”
The New Rules of Business: Fast Company’s Advice for the Next 25 Years
Bring Democracy To Work. Invest In Community. Define Your Purpose. Be Authentic. Curiosity Is Currency. Change Is Constant.
How the B Corporation movement is remaking business
B-Corps-to-be must pass a 200-question assessment that judge performance across five impact areas: governance, the environment, workers, customers, and community.
What this 100-year-old restaurant can teach CEOs about balancing resilience and profit
Perhaps most endearingly, the Joe’s Stone Crab business model is environmentally sustainable. Stone crabs are not killed in the process of harvesting and selling their claws. Depending on the size and sex of the crab, the fisherman can remove one or both of its claws. If the removal is done properly, the stone crab can be returned to the sea where it can survive and regrow its claw or claws. Joe’s can take credit for popularizing the only meat meal that doesn’t involve killing the animal involved.
This is a Defining Moment for CSR Leaders: Stand Out, or Lose Our Faith
The latest shenanigans are a separate issue from the effort to protect and secure voting rights, which is still top of mind for many brands, companies and their nonprofit partners.
Covid-19 is Rewriting the Rules of Corporate Governance
The crisis has validated the logic of interdependence behind the Business Roundtable’s 2019 statement on corporate purpose, in which 181 CEOs pledged a commitment to each of five stakeholder groups — customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and shareholders — and reversed its endorsement of shareholder primacy.
Are all of your memories real?
Our memories are not ironclad representations of reality, but subjective perceptions.
The lie that invented racism
Racism didn’t start with a misunderstanding, it started with a lie.To review, two quick takeaways from what I've said so far: one, race is not a thing biologically, it's a story some people decided to tell; and two, people told that story to justify the brutal exploitation of other human beings for profit.
Why Brands Need To Pay Attention to Cancel Culture
According to a study by Edelman, 64% of consumers around the world will buy or boycott a brand solely because of its position on a social or political issue.
6 Rules for Great Stortytelling, From A Moth-Approved Master of the Form
Make people root for you
Have a few go-to stories at the ready
Stories are about how you felt
Have a beginning, middle and end
Good stories are universal
Don’t be boring
Patagonia’s new movie, ‘Public Trust’, tells the story of President Trump stealing American land
The bold proclamation was in response to the Trump administration’s decision to reduce significantly the area around Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante that were designated as national monuments.
Donald Trump’s Corruption is killing Americans
". . it is tough to keep track of the cavalcade of crookedness. Controversies come and go quickly, forming an overwhelming blur of wrongdoing and sleaze." Donald Trump's corruption is killing Americans. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/06/trump-coronavirus-corruption/ via @MotherJones
Why gun violence can’t be our new normal.
This isn't about taking certain guns away from all people. It's about keeping all guns away from certain people, and it's the people that, it turns out, we all agree shouldn't have guns: convicted violent criminals, domestic abusers, the dangerously mentally ill.
How your personality shapes your politics
But stop and think for a moment. What would happen if those differences had never been weaponized?https://www.ted.com/talks/dannagal_g_young_how_your_personality_shapes_your_politics?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-09-22#t-531038
Why I fight for climate justice?
I noticed that my classmates were talking about recycling and watching movies about the ocean. It was a view of environmentalism that was so catered towards an ineffective way of climate activism, one that blames the consumer for the climate crisis and preaches that temperatures are going up because we forgot to bring a reusable bag to the store.
Why people fall for misinformation
Once we hear a good story, it can be difficult to change how we see that information, even in the face of new evidence. So, next time you see a convenient chart or read a surprising anecdote, try to maintain a healthy skepticism— because misconceptions can leave a bitter taste on every part of your tongue.
3 SEO Fallacies Harming your Small Business
Getting better search results isn’t about pleasing search engines, it’s about pleasing humans, specifically the people you want to make money from. When you give them what they want, search engines are incentivised to show your content to those people when they perform searches. Really, the only thing you need to do for search engines is make sure they can access your content and understand what search queries your content is relevant to.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s career completely changed the way we think about women and men. A law professor who clerked for Justice Ginsburg in 1981-1982 recalls an important aspect of her approach: a willingness to work on behalf of men challenging gender discrimination.
Can Big Tech Be Healed?
From his posts at Harvard and M.I.T., Greg Epstein observed that the tech industry - with its hierarchies and sacred texts - looked a lot like a religion . . . and his students worshiped at the alter of Elon Musk.
Eric Ries’ Radical Stock Market Experiment
Rather than live and die by quarterly earnings reports that require inhumane management tactics, companies on the LTSE (Long Term Stock Exchange) have to do right by their employees, customers, and communities. Is that really so radical?
Carrie Goldberg is the Troll Slayer
Carrie Goldberg‘s legal career changed course the year her ex-boyfriend relentlessly cyber-harassed her. At the time, the First Amendment protected his right to post nude photos of her and file (false) police reports against her.
Seth Godin’s ‘Linchpin’ tells you how to become indispensable. Here’s where it can backfire.
If you’re looking to move up in the future as either an executive or an entrepreneur, however, ensure that your stardom isn’t rooted in what you do, but rather who you are.
How Companies Can Overcome The Superhero Fallacy When Telling Stories
Your company should share stories about making your customers, consumers, or clients the hero. You want to tell a story that helps the targets be the hero—and reach their goals.
50 years later, Milton Friedman’s shareholder doctrine is dead
By making corporations the playthings of the stock market, it became steadily harder for corporations to operate in an enlightened way that reflected the real interests of their human investors in sustainable growth, fair treatment of workers, and protection of the environment.
A lesson in turning adversaries into allies
The world’s smallest and biggest problems, they won’t be solved by beating down our enemy, but by finding these win-win pathways together. It does require us to let go of that idea of US vs. THEM and realize that’s there’s only one US.
How Facebook profits from polarization
"Lies are more engaging online than truth," says former CIA analyst and diplomat Yaël Eisenstat. "As long as [social media] algorithms' goals are to keep us engaged, they will feed us the poison that plays to our worst instincts and human weaknesses.”
PR is dead . . . . definitely for the 10th time?
It’s impossible not to do PR. The clue is in the name. If an organisation exists then by definition it has reputations and relationships. It has a reputation or more accurately different reputations with different stakeholders. It has multiple relationships with different stakeholders such as customers, distributors, employees, suppliers, competitors, regulators, potential customers, ex-customers, potential recruits, ex-employees etc.
Dignity isn’t a privilege. It’s a worker’s right.
Let your conscience be your guide.
What makes fake news feel true when it isn’t? For one thing, hearing it over and over again
How to build a ‘regenerative brand’
Regenerative brands use what they’re best at to fix problems beyond their own business, consumers, and shareholders. They are designed for leadership in the world we live in and for the future we want. Regenerative brands don’t wait to take the lead on issues that can’t wait.
How do daily habits lead to political violence?
We have differences. Those differences are beautiful, and those differences are very important. But our future depends on us being able to find common ground with the other side. And that's why it is so, so important for us to retrain our brains and stop contributing to violent ecologies.
Sick of Zoom happy hour? Try these virtual team-building activities instead
“. . . some companies are going beyond Zoom happy hour and turning to a host of virtual activities, from trivia to icebreaker games to in-home scavenger hunts.”
Americans Trust Businesses More Than Government—Except Social Media, Which They HateAn Axios-Harris poll released on July 30 shows that most Americans are more likely to trust companies, not the federal government, during the pandemic. The numbers are damning for the government; 75 percent of respondents said that “companies were more reliable than the federal government in keeping America running,” while 81 percent agree that large companies “are even more vital now to America’s future than before the pandemic.”
Creating a Better World Means Asking Better Questions
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”—Buckminster Fuller
The B Corp Movement Goes BigLed by the nonprofit B Lab, the B Corp movement aims to provide a solution to the increasing recognition that corporations’ embrace of “shareholder primacy” is a root cause of many fundamental problems in the world today, including climate change, income inequality, the difficulty many regions have faced in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, and even the racial injustices that pervade our institutions.
Why CEOS need to read poetry to lead in the post-COVID world
In a post-COVID world demanding highly qualitative and creative decisions, unthought-of solutions, and an imaginative dexterity that surpasses anything so far needed, poetry’s requirement to engage with multiple levels of meaning simultaneously, to exercise fine judgements, to apprehend nuance and translate conflicting imperatives into workable solutions, can help us move from merely adapting to the new environment to proactively reimagining and shaping it.
Reigniting Imagination In A Complex World
Imagination is a principal tool for building a better life and world, and it deserves to be taken seriously by adults.
The fight for civil rights and freedom by John Lewis and Bryan Stevenson
Biases are stories we tell ourselves about people we do not know.
(Posted) How shocking events can spark positive change/Naomi Klein
Loved this interview with my friend from across the pond, Sangeeta Waldron! Such an amazing story of serendipity and success. I'm looking forward to your upcoming book.
"Companies that focus only on data are much more likely to have very high turnover among their employees and are more likely than anybody else to get into trouble with the law."
Give yourself permission to be creative
Human creativity is nature manifest in us.
We are the stories we tell ourselves.
How changing your story can change your life
What would happen if you looked at your story and wrote it from another person’s point of view? What would you see from this wider perspective?
How to use love to repair social inequality
“ . . . cultivating love is the key to connection, healing and moving forward together.”
What if you could help decide how the government spends public funds?
Radical Imagination: Put people first.
Leveraging Storytelling to Grow Your Brand with PR
When most companies envision their ideal PR campaign, they dream of landing an outstanding story on a top-tier outlet that will skyrocket them to stardom. Oftentimes they aim to do so with little more than a press release announcing a new product or milestone.
Unfortunately, PR isn't that easy; the quick hit that creates overnight success is a myth. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2020/07/14/leveraging-storytelling-to-grow-your-brand-with-pr/#54d76a9575a2
Be Awake! - The role Yoga Plays for Global Sustainability
There is a strong relationship between Yoga and sustainability. The practice of Yoga, promises the evolution of an optimal mind that encourages sustainability, from a change in eating habits, to a more intelligent way of life such as in the use of renewables. https://indiacsr.in/be-awake-the-role-yoga-plays-for-global-sustainability/
Writer Neal Stephenson Thinks We’ve Gotten Dystopia All Wrong
“This environment in which there is no agreement as to fact is desirable for a lot of people. I feel that we’re not going to return to a state a state of affairs in which people agree on facts until there’s an incentive to do so.”
Why Workplace Giving Programs Work
According to the study’s findings, 75 percent of companies surveyed indicated that giving back to the community was the most important reason to offer a workplace giving program with 46 percent stating that such programs are consistent with their company’s values and nearly 40 percent citing employee retention and engagement as a top reason, particularly for millennials and younger professionals.
Storytelling and Social Change
The cynic’s case for why brands need to double down on the Facebook ad boycott
One thing all these boycotting brands have that all those Facebook-dependent small and medium businesses don’t is scale of voice. They have PR machines of their own, they advertise on other platforms, in other media, and lobby in Washington. It’s actually the strongest leverage they have over Facebook, and now is a particularly good time to use it. Not just because it would align with a civil rights struggle at a momentous moment in history, but also because of a convenient bit of timing.
Why You Should Have (at least) Two Careers
When you follow your curiosities, you will bring passion into your new career, which will leave you more fulfilled.
The beauty and complexity of finding common groundbreaking
When you can find even the smallest bit of common ground with somebody, it allows you to understand just the beautiful wonder and complexity and majesty of the other person. https://www.ted.com/talks/matt_trombley_the_beauty_and_complexity_of_finding_common_ground?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__2020-06-26#t-820530
Employee Engagement is Demanding Corporate Social Responsibility – How to Read It
“Brands that have influence and contribute something meaningful, change how we do things, or even how we see the world,” Thompson wrote, “Those that engage us and invite us to collaborate with them involve us on an emotional level, are more likely to mirror our values and thereby cultivate more faithful relationships.”
Why personality tests could derail your future goals
“Personality tests promote the misconception that personality is innate and unchanging,” he says. “They look at your past to predict your future, and that can be sad for someone who wants to grow or change. Anyone who wants to make a change wants their future self driving, not their past.”
Want to speak out like Ben & Jerry’s? Here’s how to earn it.
Successful brand advocacy requires a willingness to build a foundation that’s not driven by PR. I’ve witnessed countless business leaders who equate “doing good” with getting headlines. Forget that notion and be ready to invest real dollars in a movement that doesn’t revolve around you or your bottom line. Change your mindset. Get your house in order. Pick a lane. Shut up and listen. Put skin in the game. Amplify, amplify, amplify.
How to Use Creative Writing to Bear Witness
By telling your story, you’re keeping it alive so you don’t have to do anything; you don’t have to show anyone any of these steps. But even if you’re telling it to yourself, you’re saying this thing happened, this weird thing did happen. It’s not in my head. It actually happened and by doing that maybe you’ll take a little bit of power back that has been taken away.
Bill Gates on how the pandemic will shape the near future-internet-of-things.html
Bill Gates talks best (and worst) case scenarios for the coronavirus pandemic in the months ahead, explaining the challenges of reducing virus transmission, providing an update on promising vaccine candidates, offering his thoughts on reopening and even taking a moment to address conspiracy theories circulating about himself. Stay tuned for his critical call to fellow philanthropists to ramp up their action, ambition and awareness to create a better world for all. (This virtual conversation, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson, was recorded June 29, 2020.)
This is the right way to challenge someone’s thinking
Don’t assume intent. Express understanding for the person’s situation. Explain why the conversation matters.
The courage to live with radical uncertainty
And so it's that courage that I try to give to each of my patients. I try to do this regardless of the technical medical details of cancers and treatment decisions and mutations, regardless of the slippery fiction of prognosis. I try to learn what they want and what they need, what they wish and what they worry, what they dream about, what animated them before and what will sustain them during the beastly process of cancer treatment. It doesn't actually take that much time. It does take a few focused, quiet moments that require intentional cultivation. But this is partnership, and it matters, because the worst thing that can happen is to have an oncologist who does everything -- everything -- to help cure your cancer and who does nothing to help you live your life.
A crisis communications guru reveals his tricks of the trade
In reality, both sides need each other in order to do their jobs. Companies need the media to help give their stories the credibility that comes with having news organizations tell their stories. Reporters need companies as sources of information and stories to tell.
Ignoring the media during a crisis does not discourage journalists from reporting on the crisis, but it will deny companies an important opportunity to tell their side of the story to the public.
Hey brands, this is why your customers are unfollowing you
“Growing your social following supports your business’ revenue goals, but to attract new followers, marketers need to know what types of content will engage (and repel) their customers,” Sprout Social says.
How Dolly Parton led me to an epiphany
But according to this theory, when two people come together and really commit to seeing each other, in that mutual act of recognition, they actually make something new. A new entity that is their relationship.
Why outdoor brands like Patagonia, The North Face, and REI will save us
Over the last few years, it’s been outdoor brands like Patagonia, The North Face, and REI that have actually led the charge in speaking out on controversial issues, taking a stand, and translating that into action. There are a lot more companies and brands in our culture that reach more consumers, but when it comes to responsible business, this is where to find optimism for the future.
What matters even more is that this commitment to the environment actually extends to making products that last longer, repairing products, and actively encouraging people to buy less. It arguably started with Patagonia’s 2011 ad “Don’t Buy This Jacket,” but extends to REI’s award-winning #OptOutside campaign in 2015, in which it closed all its retail doors on Black Friday to encourage people to get outside. And this year, The North Face sent its designers back to school to learn how to reuse, repair, and improve the longevity of the garments they make.
First person vs. Second person vs. Third Person
Writers are constantly experimenting with fresh variations on point of view. New virtual and augmented reality technologies may expand the possibilities for this experimentation. By placing people at a particular vantage point in virtual space, how might we change the way we tell and experience stories? https://www.ted.com/talks/rebekah_bergman_first_person_vs_second_person_vs_third_person#t-300333
Right and Wrong Ways to Use Social Media Storytelling in Banking
Consumers now expect brands to be socially responsible, but they can sniff out phony motives from a mile away, so authenticity is a must. Simply saying you're responsible won't be believable, and could even backfire. Done right, however, CSR storytelling will build trust.
For CSR storytelling to have a real impact, it needs to be a central part of your social strategy. A one-off post here and there won’t do the trick. Leadership teams need to align with marketing teams to ensure total buy-in and collaboration across the board.
Artist Branding Isn’t Selling Out Anymore — But What’s the New Balance?“The basics” are essential components of both artistry and branding.
The roundtable participants agreed that artists often overlook “the basics” – high-resolution headshots, performance videos, functional websites, regularly updated social media profiles, bios, and logos among them – to the detriment of their brand and their reach as creators.
To be sure, fans rely on these items to better understand and associate with artists, as do companies and professionals, albeit while they’re considering proposing strategic partnership opportunities to musicians. https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2020/07/01/artist-branding-selling-out/
A “Brand” New World: Yesterday is not today. And today is not tomorrow
To deliver future growth, brands will have to behave ethically, with insight and understanding of the new social environment. https://www.greyswanguild.org/post/a-brand-new-world-yesterday-is-not-today-and-today-is-not-tomorrow?fbclid=IwAR1Id99KERQCDXDtHbbtSdBGE7SyZiP3TFRIsVY9cUOAP2nCCQIuaVGPogE
Asking yourself these 2 questions can change your life
The more curious you are, the more deeply you can examine what you want, what matters, and what’s holding you back from living a life you’re proud to call your own.https://www.fastcompany.com/90523547/asking-yourself-these-2-questions-can-change-your-life?cid=eem524:524:s00:07/02/2020_fc&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Compass&utm_campaign=eem524:524:s00:07/02/2020_fc
Advertiser Exodus Snowballs as Facebook Struggles to Ease Concerns
The ad boycott may ultimately deliver more of a hit to Facebook’s reputation than to its bottom line. The top 100 advertisers on Facebook spent $4.2 billion on ads last year, or roughly 6 percent of the company’s total ad revenue, according to data cited in an investor note from Stifel. More than 70 percent of Facebook’s ad revenue comes from small businesses.
Im a doctor. Here’s how I talk to my patients about COVID-19 conspiracies
Viral misinformation has proliferated during the pandemic, and many of our friends and families have been afflicted. Fortunately, there is a potential cure: healthy doses of active listening, empathy, patience, and respect.
The Facebook ad boycott has to be indefinitely to actually work
Although the financial consequences don’t appear to be dire, the impact of some of the world’s biggest brands standing against Facebook is still a PR problem for the social behemoth. Holding out for the month of July, though, will barely register a blip.
The only thing that will make this boycott more than a corporate feel-good vanity project is to make it indefinite and tie it to a specific list of demands around how the social network polices hate speech and other problematic posts. And brands will need to be vocal about that, too. https://www.fastcompany.com/90522509/the-facebook-ad-boycott-has-to-be-indefinite-to-actually-work
How women will lead us to freedom, justice and peace.
Once the glass ceiling has been broken, it can never be put back together -- however one would try to do that.
Embracing AI Technologies While Harnessing the Power Of The Heart
As we progress and our technological advances mesmerize us, the greatest question of our time will be: What makes us human?
How to support and celebrate living artists
Creativity heals us.
The New ESG=Employees, Society Government
My four decades of experience and years of research for my book Restoring the Soul of Business: Staying Human in the Age of Data indicate that its employees who create the brands, the ideas, the experience that make a company and the only way a company improves and transforms itself is by growing the skills and unleashing the talents of its people.
From Patagonia to Paypal companies that do the right thing have the right results. By focussing on the story of people, society and culture they deliver the results they need for the spreadsheets.
Anger and Transformation
Anger communicates an important message and opportunity for healing.
Unveiling The 2020 Zeno Strength of Purpose Study
The study reveals that when consumers think a brand has a strong Purpose, they are:
4 times more likely to purchase from the company
6 times more likely to protect the company in the event of a misstep or public criticism
4.5 times more likely to champion the company and recommend it to friends and family
4.1 times more likely to trust the company
The one phrase that can transform your effectiveness at work
When she said, “Tell me what you need,” or “Tell me more about the problem,” she got answers that were wholly from the person’s point of view and gave deeper insight into what they were thinking and what their priorities were, she says.
Outdoor Companies Leave Facebook Out in the Cold
The campaign accuses of Facebook of continuing what it describes as racist practices enabled by the company’s estimated $70 billion in annual revenues from corporations advertising on such platforms as Instagram. Stop Hate for Profit is urging brands to send Facebook’s C-suite a message that “enough is enough” when it comes to the company amplifying messages about voter suppression, the silence of Black voices, and any posts that express hate, bias and discrimination.
Why measuring relevance matters now more than ever before
“They're proactively stirring...they're sharpening their narratives. They're aligning their internal and external stories. They’re hyper focused on getting the right content and tools in front of employees to have them advocate for the company's position externally and amplify it,” explains Alan.
How much power do brands have to change Facebook’s behavior with boycotts?
These brands have decided to play their Chance cards and pull their adspend from the social media platform in an attempt to pressure Facebook into taking greater action on hate speech and misinformation.
Facebook Groups are Destroying America
Let’s not be too distracted by a fear of rumormonger bots on the rampage or divisive ads purchased with Russian rubles. As two of the leading researchers in this field, we’re much more worried about Facebook groups pumping out vast amounts of false information to like-minded members.
In praise of doubt: we should be less sure about everything. Right?
So much for "data is data, facts are facts". Actually data is just data. But facts are facts.
Luvvie Ajayi on Being Generous With Your Work
People wanna feel like you’ve invested in them in some way and then they’ll in turn invest in you.
Porter Novelli Purpose Tracker: The Business Imperitive for Social Justice Today
• 71% of Americans believe companies have more responsibility than ever before to address
social justice issues and
• 56% say companies that don’t talk about social justice issues in their marketing or
communications are out of touch.
80% say companies need to recognize their role in systemic racial inequality and the same amount (80%) say they wish more companies would be honest about their past mistakes or biases in addressing or talking about race.
77% say companies that have strong DE&I policies have more credibility to engage in social justice conversations but 76% think companies need to make more progress on advancing DE&I in the workplace.
35% of employees are reconsidering their current job because their company is not doing enough to address social justice issues externally. https://www.porternovelli.com/intelligence/2020/06/18/introducing-the-porter-novelli-purpose-tracker-the-business-imperative-for-social-justice-today/
Branding vs. Marketing: Why Branding Beats Marketing Every TimThe brand is bigger than any individual marketing effort or advertising campaign. The brand is the overall “look and feel” of your organization—its reputation.https://www.business2community.com/branding/branding-vs-marketing-why-branding-beats-marketing-every-time-02234600
The Great Re-Invention
Address Fragility. Sculpt Resilience. Resurrect Now.
Social networks are broken. Here’s the secret to rebuilding trust. We’ve prized the internet for its freedom, and freedom from regulation, but social networks have proved that in a wild west atmosphere, where actions are divorced from identities, the poorer aspects of our character can come out.https://www.fastcompany.com/90513504/social-networks-are-broken-heres-the-secret-to-rebuilding-trust?partner=feedburner&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feedburner+fastcompany&utm_content=feedburner&utm_medium=email
Proclaiming Allyship Isn’t Enough: The U.S. Workplace Needs a Reset It takes more than a photo op. https://www.triplepundit.com/story/2020/allyship-workplace-needs-reset/120631https://www.triplepundit.com/story/2020/allyship-workplace-needs-reset/120631
Reuters Tomorrow’s News 2020 survey reveals accuracy and impartiality as the ‘defining’ factors of trusted content Those surveyed consider accuracy and impartiality as the leading factors in what makes a news story trustworthy and are largely skeptical of news on social media—with 84% of those agreeing that fake news has made them doubt the reliability of news stories shared on social media.https://www.reuters.com/article/rpb-tomorrowsnews2020/reuters-tomorrows-news-2020-survey-reveals-accuracy-and-impartiality-as-the-defining-factors-of-trusted-content-idUSKBN2342JD
The Secret Life of Social Norms
Balance is a continuum.
3 Secrets to Resilient People
1. Shit happens
2. Carefully focus your attention
3. Helping or harming
To Solve Big Problems, Look for Small Wins
But just the right level of stress, Weick went on, the level of stress generated by the search for small wins, creates a psychological hardiness that allows leaders and their allies to draw on “imagination, knowledge, skill, and choice.”
To fight systemic racism, protest leadership’ – not just leadership
The dehumanization we condemn is not just on us—it is in us, and a large part of the business of leadership itself.
From Nike to Ben & Jerry’s – the brands that are most effectively taking a stand against racism.
As the brand messages continue to roll out, one important job for us is to keep these companies accountable for what they have and plan to do to go beyond mere words.
How to Speak Up When it Matters
Uncertainty breeds inaction. When you’re put on the spot, not knowing what to do is a primary reason for not acting. It’s the difference between thinking “I don’t know what to do” and “I’m prepared for this.”
How to support witnesses to harassment and build healthier workplaces
People take that story with them and that discontent grows as they tell more and more people, and this has the real effect that is almost certainly threatening your ability as an organization to retain and attract diverse and excellent candidates.
For whom Excel(lence) meets Storytelling!
The days of running businesses on hopes, dreams and press releases . . . are over. On the other hand, if one sees companies that succeed, they do more than the spreadsheet and math in that they invest in the story and meaning of the company.
How Marketers Steer Their Brands Forward
Now, collective benefits - or how a brand impacts society and our world - will be especially critical.
The Pandemic Has Exposed the Fallacy of the “Ideal Worker”
If there was ever a time to put to rest the old-fashioned notion of the ideal worker, it’s now. Post-pandemic, let’s re-sculpt workplace ideals so they reflect people’s lives today—not half a century ago. If you are focused on employee engagement, this is the path forward. (If you aren’t, you should be: a recent study found that disengaged employees cost employers 34% of their annual salary.)
Let’s Make the World Wild Again
Are we prepared to do what it takes to change the end of this story?
But if there was ever a moment to awaken to the reality that everything is connected to everything else, it's right now. Every human life is affected by the actions of every other human life around the globe. And the fate of humanity is tied to the health of the planet. We have a common destiny. We can flourish or we can suffer ... But we're going to be doing it together.
Six experts reveal the post-COVID truth about the advertising business [Wieden+Kennedy cofounder Dan] Wieden had a lot of famous sayings. One that I learned when I came to the company, that I think I’ve just now begun to understand, is that chaos is the only thing that honestly wants you to grow. I’m hanging onto that right now. https://www.fastcompany.com/90506224/six-experts-reveal-the-post-covid-truth-about-the-advertising-business
3 Signs Your Brand Isn’t Telling a Winning Story
With quality storytelling, your brand becomes far more relatable and appealing to your target audience. You can make powerful connections that fuel the lasting loyalty needed to build a successful business. By digging deep into your storytelling genes, you can take your brand to the next level.
What’s Next
The carona virus has affected everything from how we work and take care of one another to how we shop, pay, and entertain ourselves.
Beautiful new words to describe obscure emotions
That's the power of words,to make us feel less alone.
The case for student mental health days
“ . . .it is always OK to not be OK, and it is always OK to take a break.”
How History’s Great Leaders Managed Anxiety
First, give people the facts to keep them informed, to help them make sense of the crisis, and to build their trust. Then you tell them what you are doing about the key challenges, what resources you — and they — have at hand to confront the moment, and what their job is in helping to navigate the crisis.
Do you speak this language?
And that's why languages are so important because they give us access to new worlds, not just people. It's not just about seeing or hearing, it's about feeling, experiencing, sharing.
What’s Your Corporate Purpose when COVID-19 is Behind Us?
“ . . . Americans expect companies to do more than check-writing when it comes to their philanthropic and societal roles. They expect them to walk the talk. It's hardly a new insight.”
“Surveys show that companies engaged with their communities—for example, firms that sponsor employee volunteer work—not only build morale but also their retention rates.”
Leading Through Anxiety
How can you lead with authority and strength when you feel anxious? How can you inspire and motivate others when your mind and heart are racing? And if you hide the fear in an attempt to be leaderlike, where does it go?
Why your startup should market content, instead of your product
Own the show instead of interrupting the show. Content(stories) connects, captures attention and builds brands. https://thenextweb.com/growth-quarters/2020/02/21/why-your-startup-should-market-content-instead-of-your-product/
Maximizing Employee Engagement by Leveraging and Organization Social Impact Strategy Employee engagement through cause is a vital means by which to strengthen employee relationships, enhance employee morale and even build critical skill sets and expertise. Plus, employees are hungry for ways to get involved in cause." https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/05/07/maximizing-employee-engagement-by-leveraging-an-organizational-social-impact-strategy/#34ca2a185629
The Mental Health Benefits of Storytelling
“At the end of the day, what moves people is stories.”
“If this were a mental health drug, it would be an absolute blockbuster.”
“Communicating with each other with vulnerability, listening with compassion, is, I believe, the absolute best medicine that we have.”
The Cost of Work Stress and How to Reduce It
Now I get it, mindfulness may not be for everyone, but when I think of some of the most successful and impactful people, I see a common trend. Mastery of their mental game. Which includes stress management. It's all about developing awareness, acknowledgment and acceptance of your current thoughts, emotions, environment and physical state. Right? Now I didn't say never facing stress. But the management of that stress – that's the benefit, again, for you and the economy.
“be customer focused, not company focused.”
Leading with Vulnerability, Authenticity and Compassion
“Brands are putting out messages right now to bring people together. And people will become a little more loyal to brands that make them believe it’s all going to be okay.”
Tami Belt's 100 Authors Interview
Purpose serves as a vision and lens for smart decision-making during both good times and bad.
“We have moved to the identity economy.
An identity is a story that we weave as a form of self definition that unfolds in the course of our life and that we are the authors of.” - Esther Perel
Going forward, businesses are going to compete on trust, on responsibility, and on creating and maintaining deep relationships with their stakeholders rooted in shared truths and values. Combining moral imagination with what business does best—innovating at scale—means the eventual aftermath of this terrible crisis could be genuine human progress and prosperity.
He changed the story the people of Britain told themselves about what they were doing and what was to come. This stubborn optimism is a form of applied love. It is both the world we want to create and the way in which we can create that world.
Stories build brands.
“My (Tami Belt) top branding tip for small and medium businesses is stories. Stories build brands.
Launching and running a company is only half the battle. You need to get noticed to attract, retain and entice employees and customers to buy into you. You can rise above the cacophony of noise competing for attention through the stories you share.
Yes, stories!
We are hard-wired to resonate with, respond to, remember and share stories. There is a hidden treasure trove of stories inside your organization waiting to be excavated, crafted and shared to spark conversations, build relationships and shape your brand.
You see, you don’t own your brand; it’s a perception in someone’s mind. You can, however, shape that perception through the stories you share.
Some of the most overlooked and powerful sources for stories are testimonials or word-of-mouth (people believe people, not ads) and bios. Your bio is not your resume; it is a highlight reel of your life. People do business with people they like, relate to, respect and trust.
Scott Bedbury said, “A great brand is a story that’s never completely told.’ Which stories you tell are as important as how and where you share them. Always be mindful of ensuring the message fits the medium and consistently communicates your brand’s story.”
“Imagination may seem like a frivolous luxury in a crisis, but it is actually a necessity for building future success.”
Treat workers well, pay taxes and accept regulation. The payoff is public support for companies seeking bailouts.
Creative solutions to break through barriers to success and speed up solutions for a wide range of challenges – from equipment to treatments to vaccines to funding to keep American citizens able to pay their bills – are coming from unlikely collaborations.
Permission, community, curiosity: all of these are the things that we will need to breed the confidence that we'll absolutely need to solve our greatest challenges and to build the world we dream, a world where inequity is ended and where justice is real, a world where we can be free on the outside and free on the inside because we know that none of us are free until all of us are free.
How you say it is more important than what you say
With so much news available, many people consume media in an automatic, unconscious state—similar to knowing you drove home but not being able to recall the trip.
What I learned is that data leaks. It's like water. It gets in places you don't want it. Human leaks. Your friends give away information about you. Your family gives away information about you. You go to a party, somebody tags you as having been there. And this is one of the ways in which abusers pick up information about you that you don't otherwise want them to know. It is not uncommon for abusers to go to friends and family and ask for information about their victims under the guise of being concerned about their "mental health."
“When society is hit by a crisis, you can do three things: react, respond or initiate. Reacting means a negative reaction to external input, such as news or medication, for example. Responding means that you respond to an external signal to make it better, and initiating means helping even if nobody asked you to.
This initiative-taking is what we should be doing, and not just when we are facing an apocalyptic virus. At the end of the day, have you only checked emails and read everything you can on Facebook? Or did you make a contribution? Because the money will take care of itself if you are a good citizen.”
Do these companies know that their tools are being used as tools of abuse? Absolutely.
Believe you’re a storyteller. Write down your stories.
Emotional intelligence won’t do a thing for you if you aren’t genuine.
It is often more convenient and comfortable to use text-based communication than to approach someone in-person, but if you overestimate the effectiveness of such media, you may regularly—and unknowingly—choose inferior means of influence.
"People connect through stories . . . We want people to feel like they're a part of something. In order to create an access point, we need to consistently and persistently tell a story."
The way a brand grows is by telling these stories and putting them out into the world. When someone sees themself in that story, they want to experience it too. This is where the growth occurs, then it multiplies.
Plan to FLOW
Trend #3: Marketers Will Rely Less on Data and More on Great Storytelling.
We must learn to recognize the early signs that things may not be working as well and our experience may not be as valid as it was in the past.
The Era of Antisocial Social Media
The legal concept of ownership is when you can possess, use, gift, pass on, destroy or trade it or sell your asset at a price accepted by you. What if we give that same definition to individuals' data, so individuals can use or destroy our data or we trade it at our chosen price?
Increasingly, employees are looking for companies to provide opportunities to enrich their work environment with volunteerism—and when those companies deliver, the result is increased employee engagement and higher levels of employee satisfaction, which leads to stronger outcomes.
Our need for a break flies in the face of our cultural narrative about hustling, in other words, the stories that we as a society tell each other about what success looks like and what it takes to get there. Stories like the American Dream, which is one of our most deeply rooted beliefs.
“My life is my message.” (Tom Peters)
Speeches are peppered with stories stitched together that give off vibes.
Quotes are microstories.
Most important: Inviting society into your story. By giving people a voice, companies can spark a movement greater than their own brand.
Brand building is like pushing a rock up a hill and the moment you stop the rock rolls back down again.
Everyone has their own loneliness story to tell.
Radical Hospitality is transformational connection through welcome.
The time has come for women leaders to embrace our greatness.
The differences between men and women in work and other settings are “not rooted in fixed gender traits. Rather, they stem from organizational structures, company practices and patterns of interaction that position men and women differently, creating systematically different experiences for them.”
Professor Keisha N. Blaine shared that: “What patriarchy has done is convince people that a strong and intelligent woman represents a problem; a disruption to the social order rather than an integral part of it.”
Companies are pragmatically addressing many of today’s social and environmental issues that drive their markets, and in the process are engaging the more than 70% of Americans who work in the private sector.
If we want life to slow down, to make moments memorable and our lives unforgettable, we may want to remember to harness the power of firsts.
How will you own your voice?
Where will you inject love?
When will you start?
But if we're serious about helping more kids from across the board to achieve and make it in this world, we're going to have to realize that our gaps in student outcomes are not so much about achievement as much as they are about opportunity.
"We were kind of isolated out there. As kids we seemed to have hours of empty time. A fantasy could last all afternoon. I don't think I would have become a songwriter if I had not had all of those free days to let my imagination roam." - James Taylor
One conversation can change everything.
Gig work isn’t going anywhere—but there are now more ways to capitalize on creativity.
We have to be vigilant in defending the truth against misinformation. With our technologies, with our policies and, perhaps most importantly, with our own individual responsibilities, decisions, behaviors and actions.
“ . . . winning does not always equal success. All across America and around the world, we have a crisis in the win-at-all-cost cultures that we have created. In our schools, in our businesses, in politics, winning at all cost has become acceptable.”
Detail. Why? Heartbreak. Responsibility.
The web, mobile devices, virtual and augmented reality were re-scripting our nervous systems. And they were literally changing the structure of our brain. The very technologies I had been using to positively influence hearts and minds were actually eroding functions in the brain necessary for empathy and decision-making. In fact, our dependence upon the web and mobile devices might be taking over our cognitive and affective faculties, rendering us socially and emotionally incompetent, and I felt complicit in this dehumanization.
Don't downplay your story.
Just because someone else has a worse story, your story still matters.
It's not just the food industry.
“It’s the story that you’re so reluctant to tell that the audience can feel it in the room. They know, because they have stories they don’t want to tell. I think that when someone does that right, there’s an immediate empathy and the audience is more willing to go to different places, because it’s uncomfortable. I like to think of great storytelling as you’re telling secrets to the audience, because everyone loves secrets.”
“When businesses promote responsible consumerism they create more impact and achieve more success against the triple bottom line of people, the planet and profit”
But we all know that it's the non-rational parts of our minds where we get courage, creativity, inspiration and everything else that sparks passion.
“Let's see if we can create our own recipe for inspiration.”
The more that marketing and communications are plugged in to what’s happening across the business, the more relevant, timely, authentic and consistent the content and messages.
But those cartoons did more than mind-numbingly entertain a generation of children. They also introduced millions of young people to key facets of cultural literacy, particularly in the realm of literature and music.
I grew up with Saturday Morning cartoons. It was fun and I didn't know how much I was learning. Classrooms can be fun and engaging while creating a lasting impression. Think about that before creating something. What’s the Purpose?
We have never needed creative storytellers and designers more than we do now.
The 4 Ps of Brands Taking Stands - Purpose. Plan. Process. Product.
3 Pillars of Corporate Social Responsibility
Since Sesame Street first aired on public television in November 1969, the program has been speaking the language of childhood without relegating children to a separate, sanitized sphere.
When you stand with yourself, even when it’s hard, you’re doing a loving thing for yourself.
“Give me a level playing field. Give me a chance to win.”
It seems there is no such thing as a bottom line anymore. A question—“How do you measure success?”—is taking its place.
Seventy percent of U.S. consumers now say they want to know what brands are doing to address social and environmental issues, according to market research published this month.
Failure to have a Worthy Rival increases the risk that a once-mighty infinite player will gently slide into becoming just another finite player looking to rack up wins.
If robots are all set to take over, can emotional intelligence really save us? Well, before you write off its value, consider these findings from past studies:
Nearly 90% of top performers have a higher level of emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence accounts for 90% of career advancements when IQ and technical skills are roughly similar.
Emotional intelligence is responsible for 58% of your job performance.
People with high emotional intelligence make $29,000 more, on average, than their counterparts.
Almost 85% of your financial success is due to skills in human engineering, personality, and ability to communicate, negotiate and lead. Only 15% of your financial success is due to technical ability.
Most people would rather do business with a person they like and trust than someone they don’t, even if the person they don’t trust is offering a better product at a lower price.
“ . . . we are all unreliable narrators of our own lives.”
As advertisers bombard consumers across platforms like Twitch, Facebook, television, billboards and more, consumers are trying to get away, signing up for ad blockers and subscription services.
Grandiose or Vulnerable . . .
They’re selling a story, a narrative. . . we lie to ourselves to fit our narrative.
We have to learn what AI is capable of doing and what it's not, and to understand that, with its tiny little worm brain, AI doesn't really understand what we're trying to ask it to do.
We tend to fixate on what's true or false. But the biggest concern is actually the weaponization of context. Because the most effective disinformation has always been that which has a kernel of truth to it.
American consumers spend, on average, 13 hours per year in calling queue. According to a 2010 study by Mike Desmarais in the journal Cost Management, a third of complaining customers must make two or more calls to resolve their complaint. And that ignores the portion who simply give up out of exasperation after the first call.
Any executive who demands guarantees likely isn’t one who understands how the PR and media process work. Nine times out of 10, working with a client like this will result in spending most of your time defending your work — or trying to educate the executive on how PR works.
Today, organizations need to be more aligned than ever before as consumers, investors and employees are all looking to align their purchases, investments or careers with companies that share the same values.
Producing content that’s designed to game algorithms or convert website visitors might be able to generate a decent amount of views and leads for your team. And as a marketer with goals to meet and bosses to please, it’s tempting to prioritize your team’s own goals over your audience’s needs. But if you truly want to resonate with an audience, create a lasting impression on them, and, in turn, produce real long-term results, storytelling is the best path forward.
People tend to think that what we experience consciously must then be an absolute true reflection of reality.
First, we need to recognize that shareholder interest now includes taking purpose into account. The Milton Friedman-popularized idea of business solely as a vehicle to increase shareholder value and maximize profits is no longer one that holds sway in our current socioeconomic climate.
The new economics must and can insist that the purpose of the corporation is to improve the welfare of all stakeholders: customers, workers, community and shareholders alike.
For too long, we've treated relationships as a soft topic, when relationship skills are one of the most important and hard to build things in life. Not only can understanding unhealthy signs help you avoid the rabbit hole that leads to unhealthy love, but understanding and practicing the art of being healthy can improve nearly every aspect of your life.
Less is more.
If you're depressed, if you're anxious, you're not weak, you're not crazy, you're not, in the main, a machine with broken parts. You're a human being with unmet needs.
If I can convince you of one thing in this book, let it be this: Strangers are not easy.”
In all this world of instant gratification and 24/7, on-demand results, scientists require persistence, vision and patience to rise above all that. They can see that the fork in the road is not always a dilemma or a detour; sometimes, even though we may not know it at the time, the fork is the way home.
"Prioritizing customers and employees is common sense. After all, we have no business if we don’t have customers." Too many companies have forgotten who butters their bread and bow instead to shareholders who hold them back from sustainable profitability.
Psychopaths, I’ve worked with a few . . . . how about you?
“When we share our stories we create community, safe spaces, trust and a kinder, gentler, maybe more empathetic world.”
There is nothing inevitable about our future. The internet is made of people. People make decisions at social media companies. People make hashtags trend or not trend. People make societies progress or regress. When we internalize that fact, we can stop waiting for some inevitable future to arrive and actually get to work now.
Communicating without a plan is risky business. Communicating without a purpose is annoying!
Justice ReMix’d
He believes the time has cqome to rein in Big Tech by tackling how platforms make money, which should tell you something about just how bad it’s gotten for American consumers.
Today, the popular idea exists, advanced by psychologists, management experts, or innovators, that boredom is important for the development of qualities such as creativity and brilliant ideas.
Cuban heralded creative and critical thinking as the next most in-demand job skills
Lead with the story—that’s where the gold lies.
With 78% of Americans expecting companies to take a stand on important societal issues, brands are considering purpose as permission to be activists.
But many of them are missing the most important part of activism: Action.
Through narratives that cultivate a sense of shared identity and purpose, one can create that sense of “we.”
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a clearly drawn story is worth a thousand insightful observations.
It’s time we work together to redesign an economic system for the 21st century that prioritizes the long term over the short term and the creation of value for all stakeholders, not just shareholders. Unless we address the systemic context in which CEOs operate, celebrating their latest announcements about purpose will remain more hope than strategy.
Today, 181 CEOs affiliated with Business Roundtable signed a letter agreeing that from now on, company executives need to think about how their companies can benefit all stakeholders: customers, employees, suppliers, local communities and shareholders.
There is a moral imperative that we start putting a real dent in the world’s biggest social problems, and the fact they often represent gigantic business opportunities presents a way to use capitalism to tackle them.
While doodling, drawing, or physically writing something down, we’re engaging many of our senses and using multiple parts of our brain to synthesize the information.
With data philanthropy, companies can give back to in a way that reflects their unique core competencies while preserving or expanding value for shareholders.
The right question to ask isn’t, “What do you like and what’s hardest to use about our product?” It is, “What do you like, what’s hardest about your job, and how can we help?”
Maybe you’re concerned about your privacy. Maybe you’re looking for something pretty specific. Maybe you’re just ready to try something new.
A CEO who takes a humanistic stance on a hot-button issue—irrespective of whether that position is shared by the employee—will be seen as an indicator that workers will be treated humanely should they end up working for the company.
The more we let machines think for us, the less we can think for ourselves. The more time doctors spend staring at digital medical records, the less time they spend looking at their patients. The more we use parenting apps, the less we know our kids. The more time we spend with people that we're predicted and programmed to like, the less we can connect with people who are different from ourselves. And the less compassion we need, the less compassion we have.
Loyalty Ladder of Customer Behaviors (Jackie Huba video) Posted on Social Media
Lovesac founder Shawn Nelson wants the company to become the “most loved furniture brand” in the U.S. by 2025. And he’s doing it by telling customers to buy less furniture.
Keeping a company’s online presence true to the essence of its value proposition seems like a no-brainer, but these days it’s not.
"Despair is the state we fall into when our imagination fails. When we have no story that explains the present and describes the future, hope evaporates."
Nothing happens without a sale. Believe it or not, you’re a salesperson — whether you’re convincing your kids to do their homework, putting your best foot forward for a job interview, or running a business
Whether it’s the emotional cues spinning by in a meeting headed for disarray, curiosity that could turn a business-as-usual day into an internal spark reminding you why you got into this darn job in the first place, or the art of making space for conflict resolution that’s going to save us all, here are ten ways to salvage our better selves and keep us from mutating into workplace monsters.
“ . . . storytelling is based on human nature, not corporate logic: we are hard-wired to make sense of things and buy into ideas through stories. Throughout human history all religions, cultures, nations, inventors, conquerors, explorers, and leaders have engaged the masses with one simple tool — storytelling.”
Stories Matter
It’s important that we hold on to what makes us human - our stories.
There is no reason to learn how to show you're paying attention if you are in fact paying attention.
More than ever, we actually do have to rely on other people, on their support and collaboration, in order to be successful.
“But as brands, we know philanthropy is about more than doing good in the world. Philanthropy increases brand loyalty when you practice it genuinely. Giving back increases engagement by sharing a mission and purpose with your customer base. “
“Trust is choosing to make something important to you vulnerable to the actions of someone else.” - Charles Feltman
Don’t Silo CSR, Use It As Your North Star
Central to any company’s purpose proposition is its CSR program. Yet too often, CSR is parked in a corner. Given the fact that 66% of Americans would switch from a product they typically buy to a new product from a purpose-driven company, it’s imperative for businesses to establish a unified approach to purpose that’s consistent across departments, especially marketing and operations.
4 Ways to Show Genuine Gratitude
1. Get Personal
2. Share Individual Stories
3. Get Creative
4. Be Donor-Centric
Top 5 Trends from Goodness Matters
1. The power of purpose
2. It's time for a broader definition of impact
3. An army of one is the most powerful army of all
4. The future of Goodness is inclusive
5. Authenticity is key
BONUS: Imagine!
Learn the creative process behind "America's Finest New Source," and how it can immediately improve the way you brainstorm with groups.
Every company and nonprofit has a hidden treasure trove of stories waiting to be excavated, crafted and shared to build relationships, spark conversations and help shape their brand.
"Oral storytelling is what's known as a human universal. For tens of thousands of years, it has been a key way that parents teach children about values and how to behave."
“74% of working Americans say that volunteering gives them a sense of purpose at their company while almost as many say it improves their overall morale and happiness, according to the most recent Deloitte Volunteerism Survey.”
Ramble On
There’s more to communication than words . . .
“Dignity . . . has two meanings: one is self-worth, and the other is that something is suitable, it's fitting, meaning that you're part of something greater than yourself, and it connects to some broader whole. In other words, that you're needed.”
In a world where data is king, it’s more important than ever to remember that what we measure becomes the thing we’re compelled to act on.
"We're big enough to know about these things because these problems are happening where we live. And we have the right to talk about them because it will be our life in the future."
"What you do next matters."
“Finding my use has helped me to find my voice, my self-worth and my freedom.”
These CSR trends also remind us, as brand communicators, that we have the power to amplify good causes by leveraging our skills in public relations, social media, storytelling and more. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2019/02/21/five-csr-trends-every-company-can-get-behind/#6ed5156e3718
Purpose + Corporate Activism = A Winning Formula
When new employees don’t work out, the reason is rarely incompetence.
“We bring who we are and what we stand for to our work every day.”
Corporate Social Responsibility 2009 vs. 2019
Business is personal and people want to work with and do business with people they admire, can relate to and share similar values. Products and services are common commodities. What’s remarkable is why someone does something and why they do it the way they do.
Marketing is the spreading of ideas. - Jeff Goins
Effective marketing is when you tell your audience a story they are already telling themselves
Public relations shapes brands through stories and builds relationships through community relations.
Consumers want to know a brand’s values because their purchase is a reflection on them. The brand becomes part of their personal story.
Half of American consumers want the companies they patronize to take a stand on social issues and will complain when they don’t.
More than 40 percent will walk away from a brand if it frustrates them. And almost 20 percent will never come back, according to research by the consulting and accounting firm Accenture.
“We’re going to continue to see people choosing business approaches or commercial approaches for what they deem to be important social needs.”
“ . . . I’ve observed the same thing time and time again: how information is communicated to employees during a change matters more than what information is communicated. A lack of audience empathy when conveying news about an organizational transformation can cause it to fail.”
We have to stop using technology to optimize human beings for the market and start optimizing technology for the human future.
Janet Rotter, who is head of school, said, "I think what makes it so special is the idea of curiosity, the idea of questioning, which is really at the heart of education, of humanity, of who we are."
Even seven-year-old Max knows you can only do so much with an iPad. "On the iPad you can't really build something, like with the hands," he said.
From Innovation to Obsolete: A Lesson in Leadership
A pathological inability to accept the status quo, combined with taking action on an impulse to express a desire. - The Unmistakable Creative
In addition to simply dumbing us down, however, automation can also hijack our attention and willpower, because we are often prone to give it more credence than we should.
“Our brain results show that people approach narrative in a strongly character-centered and psychological manner, focused on the mental states of the protagonist of the story.”
Identifying what is unique to a culture is in large part derived from the organization's purpose. Why does the organization exist? Who is it serving?
“It’s great to say you give back, but to attach it to something meaningful, we think that’s what the customer wants to see and hear,” Mr. Perkin said.
"Almost everybody believes some kind of conspiracy theory at some point," said psychologist Rob Brotherton, who asserts human beings are skeptical of coincidence, and think in terms of cause-and-effect.
The millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor. Entrusted for a season with a part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community
Would you rather watch, write or co-create a story?
“ . . . the way to unleash kindness in your organization is to treat it like a contagion, and to create the conditions under which everybody catches it.”
Storyteller|Strategic Convener|Funder
To benefit from the power of stories, organizations should look for opportunities to build bridges with unexpected allies in the creative community.
Children need to hear words every day and they need to hear not just our day-to-day conversation, they have to hear rare words:those outside the common lexicon we share, of around 10,000.
And if we can't control who has our data and how it is being used, we have lost the control of our lives.
Fearless speaking is the sum of many parts; it’s not just about wrangling the butterflies in your stomach.
The poet’s story has long been one of a double life, split between two urgent duties: making a living and making art.
“Technology, unfortunately, is like a double-edge sword. It has both the power to enhance our lives and also to destroy it. Emails are like Zombies. You keep killing them, they keep coming back.
Many people who choose careers in medicine or at nonprofits are intrinsically motivated to serve others. And yet most of us haven’t received any training to hone our ability to empathize; we just do our best.
If humility is so important, why are so many leaders today, especially our most famous leaders, so arrogant?
It’s important to remember that socially responsible organizations aren’t putting social responsibility before profit, but rather mutually reinforcing purpose and profit.
Good Leadership = Good People of Character who help others be better versions of themselves
In a roboticized world, hacks would not just affect your data but could endanger your property, your life and even national security.
No one will ever pay you what you’re worth. They’ll only ever pay you what they think you’re worth. And you control they’re thinking.
Cheers to Bacardi’s responsible spirit!
A friendly app
Give them something to talk about . . . .
Are you afraid of the work you’re doing or not doing?
F-Up Nights
The Science of What Makes People Care
Leading with Purpose: The New Business Norm?
Here’s to all the lonely people . . . .
A major reason companies don’t get credit for their good works is they employ a one-size-fits-all strategy to communicating their efforts, while what’s needed are focused messages that matter to each of their four different audiences. So banish your sustainability report and get the right message to the right audience.
Pay attention to your attention.
“Facts are facts. Stories are how we learn.” Alan Webber
“And so, we have some candy, too, but we have lots of broccoli. And you know, if you have the good mix, you get to a healthy diet.”
How should we live together?
When you’re mindful of your inner dialogue, you might notice there’s something familiar about the words, tone or attitude in the self-criticism. Does it remind you of anyone — a parent, sibling, relative, teacher, coach? By listening to yourself, you can hear the dogmatism, harshness and absurdity in much of what the inner critic has to say. Stepping back from the criticism to observe it can stop reinforcing it and help you dis-identify from it: In other words, you may hear it, but you don’t need to be it. This kind of calm witnessing can make the voice of your inner critic less intense and more reasonable.
When we read to our children, they are doing more work than meets the eye. "It's that muscle they're developing bringing the images to life in their minds."
“Given that most people aren’t sociopaths, in my experience, the more common misuses of emotional intelligence are subconscious.”
". . . according to the Americans for the Arts 2016 survey “Americans Speak Out about the Arts (PDF),” 87 percent of respondents said that “arts institutions add value to our communities,” regardless of whether people engage with art or not.
Comic books do not cause juvenile delinquency.
Nearly two-thirds of consumers will do research to see if a company is “authentic” when it takes a stand on an issue.
Being kind can be hard, especially when we’re angry with ourselves, especially when we feel disappointed due to something we did—or didn’t do.
The loss of slowness, of time for reflection and contemplation, of privacy and solitude, of silence, of the ability to sit quietly in a chair for fifteen minutes without external stimulation — all have happened quickly and almost invisibly.
We are scratching the surface in our ability as humans to communicate and invent together, and while the sciences teach us how to build things,it's the humanities that teach us what to build and why to build them. And they're equally as important, and they're just as hard.
“The main culprit appears to be entrenched levels of bureaucracy. “[E]fforts to professionalize our own work through increased policy and procedure and efforts to ensure fiscal accountability through restricted grants have unintended, harmful consequences that we now are seeing.”
I think the piece of advice I’m still trying to learn is to trust your gut. It sounds like such hippie-dippie woo-woo nonsense but every time I have made choices when my gut told me otherwise, it’s always been the wrong choice. So I guess, learning to trust yourself, and have faith in yourself…which just feels like the kind of maturity that comes with time and experience.
Organizations are hoarding data in the hope that they’ll be able to point artificial intelligence agents at it and uncover hitherto undreamed-of insights about their customers. They don’t seem to understand that you can point the same clever algorithm at a sample of a few thousand people and get the same result.
“I'm here to tell you the story of crazy love, a psychological trap disguised as love, one that millions of women and even a few men fall into every year. It may even be your story.”
“Your fury is not something to be afraid of. It holds lifetimes of wisdom. Let it breathe and listen.”
A rock solid position. “ . . . . you've got to win in the mind, and you can only win in the mind with a narrow idea."
Dance can help restore joy and stability in troubled lives and ease the tensions in schools disrupted by violence and bullying.
Danone started thinking about social impact early; in a 1972 speech, the company’s founder said “corporate responsibility doesn’t end at the factory gate or the company door” and industry should be “placed at the service of people.”
"We cannot have a society in which, if two people wish to communicate, the only way that can happen is if it's financed by a third person who wishes to manipulate them," he says.
From burnout to poor storytelling, there are many difficulties in running a successful nonprofit.
I prefer the old-fashioned, hack-proof way.
today, visionary organizations are actively engaging with their communities -- the communities they serve, and the communities in which they operate. Some companies provide their employees with volunteer hours so that they can more easily commit to local programs.
He concludes that what causes these conditions most of all is a lack of what we need to be happy, including the need to belong in a group, the need to be valued by other people, the need to feel like we’re good at something, and the need to feel like our future is secure.
We form beliefs in a haphazard way, believing all sorts of things based just on what we hear out in the world but haven’t researched for ourselves.
For Better Brainstorming, Tell An Embarrassing Story
Why Doing Good is Good for the Do-Gooder
5 Ways Charity: Water Uses Storytelling to Inspire More Giving
Staying Ahead of These 4 Challenges Can Differentiate Your Mission-Driven Brand
4 Foundations to Philanthropy: Listen More to Nonprofits and Speak Less
Who Brands Your Nonprofit? Who Tells Its Story and How?
Why Companies Can't Just Write Checks to Do Good
To Sell themselves to Donors, Nonprofits are Turning to to the Pros
Sure, you have stars but have you found the Moonbow?
Radical wisdom for a company, a school, a life
Lessons in Nonprofit Storytelling From a Live Performance
Stop Stealing Dreams
Cardboard Stories.
Don't Tell A Boring Story
Why Weird People Are Often More Creative
What's Going To Make A Company Grow? Being A Purpose-Driven Business
50 Random Things I Have Learned About Social Media Marketing
Delighting Customers with Meaningful Micro-Engagements
The Crossroads of Should and Must
Simon Sinek: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe
Bill Strickland: Rebuilding a neighborhood with beauty, dignity and hope
Cone, LLC
Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship
Stanford Social Innovation Review
The Conference Board
Fast Company Magazine
TED conference
Seth Godin
Daniel Pink
Jackie Huba
Bill Jensen
Tom Peters
Bill Strickland