I Place Clients In The Spotlight
Sometimes, I end up there, too…
Not all PR is good PR.
Tami Belt from Blue Cube Marketing Solutions states: “No, not all PR is good PR. Your organization can be perceived negatively if it is tied to negative news. This is why it is important to continue to publish stories that showcase what your organization stands for, and how you are helping the audience you desire to serve. Some social media algorithms are designed to promote division. This is why it takes more good news to get noticed. Building a brand and a good reputation takes time. A solid reputation can take a hit or two if it is built on a foundation of trust. Trust is earned over time.
Read the entire article at https://pearllemonpr.com/pr-experts-round-up-2022/
Sam Dever Podcast
In this episode, I speak with public relations expert, writer and poet, Tami Belt. Tami and I discussed a numerous amount of topics including Las Vegas, Tami's experience in the Public Relations industry, technology, her book "Poetic Justice" and much more! Purchase Tami's book "Poetic Justice" https://www.balboapress.com/en/bookst...
Contact Tami at her website: https://www.1bluecube.com/
Watch the episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u11_SGzN1hY
The Banyan Tree
When I moved to Miami, I was so struck by these majestic trees. The banyan tree. Struck not just by its beauty, but by its brilliance to support itself. Self-care of course is an important component of being a business owners. In this episode I share what I learned from the banyan tree about two additional aspects of self-care.
“When Jeffrey mentioned the Banyan Tree concept it felt like being wrapped in a soft comfortable blanket. What I love is that it truly embodies my need for self-reliance while reinforcing being surrounded by an abundance of resources that are always readily available to tap in to and help nourish and grow me personally and professionally. The Banyan Tree was the inspiration that I need to feel secure in moving forward and expand my business in the direction I desire to go.” - Tami Belt
Listen to the episode at https://www.jeffreyshaw.com/post/coaching-break-be-like-a-banyan-tree
The No 1 Question Every Public Relations Expert Should Know How to Answer
Can I proof my story before it publishes?
Tami Belt, Owner at Blue Cube Marketing Solutions:
“No, you get to proof the information submitted for consideration. Journalists have the final say in what, if anything is published or broadcast. This is the difference between public relations and advertising. In advertising you are paying for placement of your content. In PR you are paying the public relations practitioner to excavate, craft and send story ideas and news that earn media. Stories remain alive with links on news sites while ads are limited by contracts. Published stories increase credibility for the organization when they appear in print.”
Stories on Purpose
Stories on Purpose is a presentation that offers insight into the cost, curation and consequences of sharing stories about a company's commitment to a cause. Stories combined with statistics showcase how companies can increase their bottom line, engage employees and be a leader in their community and industry by taking a stand on issues that align with their core values. Communicating without a plan is risky business.
The Best Small Business Books
Written By: Carol Roth | Comments Off on The Best Small Business Books
Self-Employed Ecosystem
Self-Employed since age 14, Jeffrey Shaw knows what it takes to ride the roller coaster of uncertainty instead of letting it take you for a ride. In his new release, The Self-Employed Life, Shaw outlines the ecosystem for success for self-employed business owners. His holistic approach incorporates business and personal development strategies along with daily habits to create an environment that supports sustainable success.
Thanks to: Tami Belt of Blue Cube Marketing Solutions.
Read about all the recommended books at https://www.carolroth.com/blog/the-best-small-business-books/
A fun conversation sharing stories and insights about Public Relations on Purpose on the Love of Business Podcast. I invite you to listen in at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsjJz2XLAV0
It was an honor to have a seat at the table for a conversation about stories and so much more. I invite you to listen to our conversation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX5iyEZLzy0
The Best Kept Secrets About Public Relations
We asked PR and growth experts about the best kept secrets about Public Relations. What strategy or tactic is commonly unknown to founders? How can entrepreneurs use this PR secret for their benefit? Learn about the top secrets of PR here:
You don’t own your brand.
“It’s not your tagline, logo or even what you say you are.
Your brand is a perception in your customer’s mind.
The good news is you can shape that perception with the stories you tell.
This is the power of public relations. It builds brands and relationships through stories.
From about pages to bios and blogs to press releases to community engagement to social media posts to website copy, every piece of content is part of your story.”
— Tami Belt, Chief Storyteller at Blue Cube Marketing Solutions
Read all the responses at https://medium.pronthego.com/the-best-kept-secrets-about-public-relations-1d3c35cb21c9
The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About Public Relations
Stories Spark Conversations
“Public Relations has changed over the years as have media channels.What hasn’t changed is relationship-building and storytelling.
Once clients understand that the stories they share are the connecting point, the way they get their desired audience to buy in to them, they realize they have a treasure trove of stories inside their organization. Stories spark conversations that shape the perception of the audience they desire to serve and build relationships to keep them engaged.” https://medium.com/@PRontheGO/the-best-advice-you-could-ever-get-about-public-relations-da65478d3d64
Creative Courage with Alex Raffi
Such an honor to chat with fellow author and creative Alex Raffi about storytelling, courage and more. Listen in or watch the podcast here.
A Nevada Collaborative Poem - written while sheltering in place
It was an honor to be asked to contribute to this collaborative poem. Below is my stanza:
Today is the tomorrow
of yesterday’s creation
a bold, imperfect experiment teetering
on the brink of an unknown destination A fleeting moment in an illusion untold save for the poets whose world these words now mold.
Read and listen to the entire collaborative poem at:

What Strategies Can Be Adopted to Make Online Classes Interesting?
Provide downloadable worksheets for each key lesson. When an online class is offered on-demand in a watch-only format, each individual participant can be engaged through homework. Downloadable worksheets for each key lesson with an outline to gather the necessary information, questions to be answered and implementation guidelines provide the participant with the resources necessary to customize the curriculum and solve their organization’s unique needs. There is no ‘one size fits all’ strategy, despite what ‘experts’ promote.
Each company, start-up,- or nonprofit, has their own individual culture, resources, and opportunities available to tap into and solve whatever challenge they face. By offering a customizable blueprint as a download, the enrollee is tasked to create to solve their own problem. Unlike ‘plug and play’ solutions, this creates ownership and shifts the responsibility to execute and adapt as needed from the generic outside solution to the individuals inside the organization. Creating solutions, like any imitative, need to have engagement through ownership to succeed.
Read all the suggested strategies to make online classes interesting here:
50 Conversations with 50 Strangers
There is something magical that happens when 2 story tellers sit together. story tellers see the world differently, i am convinced of that and there is a beauty in the conversation that follows as tami is a beautiful story teller and it was my pleasure to listen to her speak and share her stories with me/us
Listen in and watch our conversation here:
First Time Storytelling with Tami Belt
My guest today on the First Time Storytelling Broadcast was Tami Belt. Tami wanted to be a Rock Star when she grew up but couldn’t sing on key, so instead, she sings the praises of others in her PR firm. She is an author, speaker and fan of jazz, classic rock and nice people. She shares the story of the First Time she played in a PGA Golf Tournament. Next, we played the First Time Lightning Round and learned that Tami taught herself to play the guitar and given the opportunity she'll give the saxophone a try!!
Watch my story unfold here:
100 Authors
It was an honor to be interviewed by fellow poet, author, speaker and trainer Adriana Rosales.
Listen to the podcast or catch the online interview here.
“My top branding tip for small and medium businesses is stories.
Stories build brands."
Launching and running a company is only half the battle. You need to get noticed to attract, retain and entice employees and customers to buy into you. You can rise above the cacophony of noise competing for attention through the stories you share.
Yes, stories!
We are hard-wired to resonate with, respond to, remember and share stories. There is a hidden treasure trove of stories inside your organization waiting to be excavated, crafted and shared to spark conversations, build relationships and shape your brand.
You see, you don’t own your brand; it’s a perception in someone’s mind. You can, however, shape that perception through the stories you share.
Some of the most overlooked and powerful sources for stories are testimonials or word-of-mouth (people believe people, not ads) and bios. Your bio is not your resume; it is a highlight reel of your life. People do business with people they like, relate to, respect and trust.
Scott Bedbury said, “A great brand is a story that’s never completely told.’ Which stories you tell are as important as how and where you share them. Always be mindful of ensuring the message fits the medium and consistently communicates your brand’s story.”
What To Do Before Starting Your Business
One needs a sense of humor to start a business. Time and time again I have had to laugh
at myself, my circumstances, and yes, sometimes clients. While you have to take your business seriously, you should rarely take yourself too seriously. You’re going to make mistakes, you’re not going to know all the answers and most of all you’re going to need a lot of help, especially if you’re a solopreneur. I’ve learned that people either fall victim to their circumstances or rise above. Things will go wrong, no matter how well you prepare. Having a sense of humor helps ease the frustration, fear and focus on failure to turning
the corner and finding solutions. Sometimes clients say and do the darndest things. Just
as children and spouses have selective hearing, so do clients. Don’t get mad; move on. In any relationship you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves. So is the case with some clients. No one is right or wrong, you’re just not right for each other. It’s better to part ways with a smile than a sneer. Starting a business can be a hard pill to swallow. All in all, laughter truly is the best medicine. It’s also a massage for your guts. Really! I read it in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) years ago.
Read the entire blog for more contributions https://logo.com/contributors/tami-belt

I'm honored help answer this oft asked question:
"What Does a Publicist Do?"
Public Relations is the strategic crafting of your story, your message. Publicity is the result of your story being placed in front of your target audience through social, print and electronic media. However, Public Relations goes beyond telling your story to engaging your public in conversations. It’s about connecting and building relationships.
People often equate PR with sending Press Releases to the media.
The truth is, a press release is only one tool in Public Relations Professional’s toolbox.
Today, Public Relations professionals help excavate, craft and share the hidden treasure trove of stories inside an organization that spark conversations, build relationships and help shape Brands. You see, a company or nonprofit does not own it’s Brand. A Brand is a perception in someone’s mind. An organization can help shape their Brand by the stories they share. Scott Bedbury said, “A great brand is a story that’s never completely told."
Stories are content. Content is PR - the strategic crafting of your story, your message. Examples of content Public Relations Professionals craft include: articles; bios; blogs; case studies; collateral material; social media posts; scripts for videos; testimonials and web site copy.
In addition to writing stories, Public Relations Professionals can help companies create a Community Engagement Strategy to build relationships and align with a cause.
Business is personal. It’s about relationships. People want to do business with and work for companies who share their values. One of the best ways to build relationships is to connect over the passion for a cause. Companies that are involved in their communities realize:
• Increased market share
• Higher employee satisfaction and retention
• Enhanced image in the community
• A better place to live, work and do business
• Receive more press coverage
Finally, some Public Relations Professions also organize special events for clients. This is another way for them to build relationships and engage with the community.
Read all the answers at: https://upjourney.com/what-does-a-publicist-do
17 Books Filled With Life Lesson
Learn about life from someone else's experience.
Books are the closest thing we have to telepathic communication. It is just amazing that someone could record their thoughts, observations, and experiences on the pages, and then someone else, completely unrelated to them, might just read them and learn from them hundreds of years later! Just think about it, It’s crazy!
By reading books, especially non-fiction books, we can pick apart the author’s brain and actually learn from their experiences. Experiences we probably never had, and might never have, but the knowledge of which we acquire and leaves us with the wisdom to confront similar situations if they ever happej. There’s no exaggeration in saying that by reading these books you can learn valuable life lessons to apply to your own.
#4 Poetic Justice: Lessons of love, life & relationships by Tami Belt
Please read about all the books listed in this article on Fupping at https://fupping.com/zakparker/2019/04/21/17-books-filled-with-life-lessons/.
Top Success Habits of Entrepreneurs
Shake It Off
. . . Too often, we over-think and freeze when working on something too long.
Click here to read the entire article.
Marketing Tips for NPOs from 22 Pros
TRICIA GOSS January 17, 2018
According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, there are 1,571,056 nonprofit organizations registered in the U.S. alone. Standing out in this sizable crowd can seem intimidating, if not nearly impossible.
The good news is that you don’t have to get your message across to everyone. There is a group of people out there with whom your mission and vision will truly resonate. Finding and reaching your target audience is the key to successfully marketing your NPO.
To help you begin, we asked some experts in the field for their best advice. Check out these insightful and beneficial pro tips.
Showcase Outcomes
“The one word of advice I would give NPOs is to showcase the stories of those they help.
“In addition to showcasing outcomes in a meaningful way that can be easily shared and it also serves as content for testimonials, videos, blogs and case studies.
“Finally, it allows an opportunity for family members, employees, donors and volunteers to be a part of the story. Too often, NPOs spend all their time talking about them instead of the difference they make.”
Tami Belt Owner/CEO of Blue Cube Marketing Solutions
Follow Tami on Twitter @1bluecube
Click here to read the entire article:
#4 Poetic Justice: Lessons of love, life & relationships by Tami Belt
Please read about all the books listed in this article on Fupping at https://fupping.com/zakparker/2019/04/21/17-books-filled-with-life-lessons/.
Tami Belt: Las Vegas native publishes
‘Poetic Justice, Lessons of Love, Life & Relationships’
By Ashley Glenn
Tami Belt loves telling other people’s stories, but recently Belt’s own stories have been published. A writer as well as a publicist, Belt has recently published her collection of poetry in her new book “Poetic Justice, Lessons of Love, Life & Relationships.” Recently, a book signing was held at Writer’s Block bookstore where friends and fans gathered to celebrate the recent publishing. At the signing, Belt read some of the poetry found in her book such as, “Imagine” and “I Want Starry Nights.”
“I started telling stories when I was a child because they literally saved my life,” Belt said. “The reason I tell stories for a living now is because I know how important it is for people to get their story out because, like everyone else, I didn’t feel I was being heard. So I started telling my own story.”
While Belt explained that her favorite poem depends on the day, each one she wrote holds a very special meaning for her. The book catches the authenticity of the feelings she had when she wrote each line and the poems have hardly been altered from when she originally wrote them. Each poem she compared to a “photograph” as it captures a feeling in a moment of time that she felt.
To have the community come together for the signing was astounding. Throughout the chapters of her life, Belt has shared different poems with different meanings with others in hopes of reaching out and helping. “This book, it’s not about me or my poems. It’s about the human experience because everyone goes through the same thing,” she stated. “So to have people from all different phases of life come and support me … It’s overwhelming.”
The inspiration for each poem was raw emotion. Belt explained while fans questioned her writing process if there was anything in particular that drove her and she explained that when she needed to write something, she simply would. Her inspiration didn’t always come from specific events in her life but rather the emotions she felt during the time.
About two years ago, Belt decided to publish her poems into a novel. “Everybody has a story that someone in the world needs to hear,” Belt said. “Everybody needs to share their story to be heard, to be understood and to get their feelings heard.” She hopes that her stories and poems will reach out to others and empower them.
Belt explained that there are different ways to tell a story, whether it is through art, music or writing. “The key is to be inspired and to act, because you never know who you’ll inspire to do the same.” As a woman who told other people’s stories, Belt is now celebrating being able to tell her own.
The book is available for purchase by clicking here or other outlets including Amazon.com.
Read this article: http://lasvegas.informermg.com/2016/08/11/tami-belt-las-vegas-native-publishes-poetic-justice-lessons-love-life-relationships/

5 Small Business Owners Reveal Their Secrets for Maintaining That Elusive Work/Life Balance
Tami Belt, Owner, Blue Cube Marketing Solutions
Born and raised in Las Vegas, Tami wanted to be a rock star but couldn’t sing. Instead, she launched her own marketing solutions firm and has used her boundless energy to rack up many achievements and awards, as well as an impressive client list. Of course, even the most energized entrepreneur needs a little down time. Tami has learned through the years how to achieve balance, as well as success.
“Everyone needs backup,” says Tami. “Make sure you have backup plans and people who can keep the ball balancing. If it takes a village to raise a child, it only makes sense that it takes a community to raise a business. I should know. I’m a sole proprietor, but without the support of my ‘village’ I would be a lost cause.”
Takeaway Tip: Seek out reliable help that you can rely on.
Bragging Writes
9 Entrepreneurs Explain Their Biggest Accomplishments in 2015
2 Things
(1) I was a contributor to a recently released book “Selling On The Green: the art of building trusted relationships and growing your business on the golf course”. My contribution outlines the lessons learned about business and life from growing up playing golf. In addition, it features how I build relationships for clients and myself by playing in charity golf tournaments. A blog I wrote, Lessons from the Links, was included in addition to a podcast interview. (2) My own book is coming out this year! It includes poems I wrote throughout my life beginning at age 12. I never felt heard growing up and didn’t think anyone could understand what I was going through so poetry became my therapy. I never intended for my poems to be read until I encountered friends going through similar circumstances. It’s no coincidence that I tell stories for a living as a Public Relations professional. I know the importance of stories and the need to feel heard. This book is a full-circle moment for me as it will help empower individuals to share their stories. Whether it’s through writing, painting, music or dancing everyone has a story someone in the world needs to hear.
Thanks to Tami Belt, Blue Cube Marketing Solutions!
Read all the entrepreneur's accomplishments at:
Thanks to CEO Blog Nation for including my advice in their recent column.
Trust Your Gut
You know more than you think. More often than not, you know better than anyone else what’s best for you. Yes, seek advice of those older, younger and outside of your industry on a regular basis but evaluate their insight and mold it into what works for you. If it feels right it’s right for you. If it doesn’t, find another solution. Sometimes the solution is to walk away. Sometimes you must go through a process of elimination. The bottom line is always how it makes you feel. You’ll know what is right when you feel lighter, excited, relieved, calm or assured. Even if it scares you, if you feel it’s right, it’s right for you. If you can’t listen to yourself, who will?
Thanks to Tami Belt, Blue Cube Marketing Solutions!
You can read advice from 25 additional CEOs at
Tami Belt, Owner/CEO of Blue Cube Marketing Solutions, contributed to the recently released “Selling On The Green: the art of building trusted relationships and growing your business on the golf course.”
Belt honored as Dintinguished Woman
Tami Belt, owner of Blue Cube Marketing Solutions, was honored as a Distinguished Woman in Nevada for 2014 in recognition of her professional and civic achievements in public relations. Belt, a Las Vegas native, founded Blue Cube Marketing Solutions in 2002 to transform the way companies approach communication strategy and community engagement.
What can testimonials do for your small business?
Set aside time to ask for testimonials if your workday is too swamped: “Not every [customer] can write well or has the time to sit down and think about what to say. Clients provide me with list of customers willing to offer a testimonial. I contact them to schedule a short interview, typically 5 – 10 minutes. After the interview, I draft a testimonial for their approval and forward to my client.” – Tami Belt from Blue Cube Marketing Solutions
Community Engagement as a Marketing/PR Strategy
Tami Belt, Owner of Blue Cube Marketing Solutions in Las Vegas, represents businesses of all sizes. Over the many years as a leading professional, she notes one major change in the Public Relations and Marketing Industry:
“The channels of distribution have transformed into much more social means. Online and social marketing have made marketing a conversation; it’s no longer a 1-way message. PR and marketing is now more about building relationships and the ability to listen as much as you talk.”
Read the entire article at: https://saragabriella.com/blog/community-engagement-pr-marketing/
Blue Cube Recognized as Top 300 Small Businesses in the West
Blue Cube Marketing Solutions has been recognized as one of the Top 300 Small Businesses in the West by Business Leader Media. Las Vegas native Tami Belt is founder of the firm.
The news is far from all bad for small and sole-proprietor PR firms; most say they expect to survive the recession. Finding a niche is the secret to success for some. Tami Belt formed Blue Cube Marketing Solutions after working in-house for St. Rose Dominican Hospital and the Las Vegas Review-Journal. She has since taken on, and retained, big clients such as 7-Eleven.
Read the entire article here https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/pr-firms-adapt-to-economic-downturn/