Online Classes & Training
Branding Your Story
Do you know the best way to build your brand?
Are you overlooking one of the most enduring ways to build relationships with your customers, employees, volunteers and donors?
Did you know marketing is too important to be left to a department?
In business today, we connect with, attract and retain customers, employees, volunteers and donors through stories.
Excavating, crafting and sharing the right stories about your company or nonprofit is crucial.
These stories are the blueprint for building a foundation of trust that helps shape your brand.
Stories that describe how you wove your passion, vision and values into your organization are what people respond to, resonate with, remember and share.
Stories that make us feel are the connecting points that create an endearing brand.
Are you ready to find the hidden treasure trove of stories inside your organization that:
• spark conversations • engage your desired audience
• build relationships
• shape your brand
Are you ready to learn how to tell your organization’s stories to:
• create awareness, pique interest and inspire action
• position you and your organization as the leader of choice in your industry and
I value your time so I cut out the fluff and packed each module with strategies and insight to help you excavate, craft and share the stories that:
– Create awareness, pique interest and inspire action
– Position you and your organization as the leader of choice in your industry and community.
This course includes 4 modules with corresponding worksheets plus a one-hour call with me.
The call must be used within 30 days of purchase of this course.
The price for all four modules is $197.00.
Check out testimonials for Branding Your Story!
I’m Shahab Zagari, a filmmaker from Las Vegas, and I took Tami Belt’s course Branding Your Story.
Shahab Zagari, filmmaker from Las Vegas, described the online class, Branding Your Story: How to Build Your Brand with Stories as insightful. The 4 modules have amazing worksheets and I feel like not only is this something that I can use with my own brand storytelling but I can bring it to my clients and can bring it to projects I'm brought on to and so this is really an invaluable course. Learn more about Shahab and his work at https://www.shahabzargari.net/.
Casey Jade said:
"The class was super informative. The parts that really spoke to me were the fact that you're not your job and to put the human back in you, your bio is not your resume, and that your brand is what OTHERS say about you. So many aha moments. Lots of amazing actionable info.” - Casey Jade, Owner/Photo Ninja at Casey Jade Photography
Module 1
Module 01:
The Most Overlooked Sources For Stories Inside Your Organization
– Testimonials offer an ongoing opportunity to capture new content and convince and convert those looking to support or work with your organization.
– Bios offer a common connecting point to begin building a relationship and can spark conversations that attract attention and resonate with your audience.
Module 2
Module 02:
Relationship Building Through Community Engagement
– Build relationships based on trust and shared values by bonding over the passion for a cause through Community Engagement.
Module 3
Module 03:
Communicate With a Plan Online
– Social media is not a strategy. It is a collection of online communities, each one is it’s own medium.
– Knowing how to communicate within each social media community is part of a strategic communication plan. Communicating without a plan is risky business.
Module 04:
Everyone Markets You
– Marketing is too important to be left to a department.
– Everyone who talks about you or your organization is writing a page or chapter in your brand’s story.