Pop-Up PR Tip 3: Social Media Basics
Customers often find out about you online before they walk through your door.
Are you making a good first impression?
Social Media is comprised of communities.
Welcome to the neighborhood!
Knowing how to communicate within each social media community is part of a strategic communication plan. This is the place to engage in conversations, listen and build relationships.
It's a community, not a commercial.
• Listen: Seek first to understand, then be understood.
• Share: People want to know what you’re working on. They don’t want to be sold or told.
• Participate: Join groups, comment and offer insight.
• Don't be a homebody. If you want people to come to your page you have to visit and interact
with them on their page.
• Like a good neighbor, don’t show up empty-handed. Share meaningful insights and information.
For more insights, ideas and inspirations to help you share your story, watch this video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVosigs5XbY