Outside The Box Marketing Solutions
Outside the box is more than a cliché or clever tagline.
It’s literally a way of thinking about your business.
Business as usual has given way to disruption being the new normal.
From mass media to mass customization we’ve turned into content connoisseurs with little time to waste. Attention is the coveted prize and the competition is fierce.
Every message is met with ad blockers, spam filters and diminishing attention spans.
To succeed in business you need to literally get outside the boxes that hold us captive to convention.
• outside the declining viewership and diluted channels of TV
• outside the tune of endless radio stations
• outside the virtual reality of computer connections
• outside the confines of your cubicle
• outside the best practices of your profession
• outside the safety of your comfort zone
Business is personal. We do business with, work for and support people who share our vision and values. There is a renewed emphasis on personal relationships, word-of-mouth referrals and grass-roots community building.
Too often, companies are caught up in the illusion of online connections and don’t see the opportunity just outside their door. One of the best ways to build relationships is by connecting over the passion for a cause.
Companies that are involved in their communities realize:
• Increased market share
- 82 % of consumers are more likely to purchase a product from a company that
demonstrates results of CSR initiatives*
• Higher employee satisfaction and retention
- 77% of employees think it’s important for companies to provide opportunities
to become involved in causes **
• Enhanced image in the community
- 86 % of Americans are more likely to trust a company that communicates the
results or impact of its CSR efforts ***
• A better place to live, work and do business
- A company is only as healthy as the community in which it does business
• Receive more press coverage
- companies receive more press for what they do in the community than what they
do as a company
Beyond writing a check and paying lip service to support a cause or local nonprofit, community engagement is a strategic business decision that needs to complement a company’s mission, vision and strategic goals.
The bottom line is business shows it pays to be good.
Source: * 2012 Cone Corporate Social Return Trend Tracker
** 2010 Cone Cause Evolution Study
*** 2012 Cone Corporate Social Return Trend Tracker