Pop-UP PR Tip 8: Media Relations

Media Relations serves two important functions in Public Relations:

1) Public Relations professionals help leaders of companies and nonprofits establish credibility
as a reliable a source for the media. This contributes to building a reputation as an expert in
the minds of clients, donors and the community.

2) Public Relations professionals build trusted relationships with the media. A good relationship
is crucial to ensuring journalists will consider the information your Public Relations
​ professional sends and keeps your company or nonprofit in mind for stories they are writing.

For more insights, ideas and inspirations to help you share your story watch this video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRFOhGH831A&list=PLZDtGCmauQOf94yFehIzjuiwaisI6ZPeS&index=9


Pop-Up PR Tip 9: Crisis Communication


Pop-Up PR Tip 7: What’s Your Story?