Pop-Up PR Tip 12: Stories
People remember stories, not statistics.
Today, Public Relations professionals help companies and nonprofits excavate, craft and share the stories that shape their organization.
Stories describe how people wove their passion, vision and values into their organization.
To paraphrase Maya Angelou:
People don’t remember what you did or what you said,
but they remember how you made them feel.
Stories that make us feel are the connecting points that create an endearing brand in the minds of customers, employees, volunteers and donors.
There are the many ways Public Relations helps build brands and relationships through stories.
Who are you?
- purpose, passion, mission
How did you get to where you are?
- failures, successes, lessons
Why do you do what you do the way you do?
- philosophy of service
Your customers and your employees are part of your story, too.
-capture testimonials, reviews and case studies.
For more insights, ideas and inspirations to help you share your story, watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCVkitLJ9f8.