Pop-Up PR Tip 10: Word of Mouth
Word of Mouth remains the best form of advertising.
People trust people, not ads.
However, if you want people to talk about your company or nonprofit, you have do something worth talking about. Creating conversations is an important part of building relationships with your customers, donors, volunteers and employees.
The book Creating Customer Evangelists outlines several strategy to help your company or nonprofit create word of mouth.
- Continuously gather customer feedback.
- Make it a point to share knowledge freely.
- Expertly build word-of-mouth networks.
- Encourage communities of customers to meet and share.
- Offer Samples, like this blog post to showcase smaller offerings to whet the appetites of your
- Focus on making the world, your industry or community a better place.
For more insights, ideas and inspirations for sharing your story view this video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Nsg-s-60f0.