Imagine That!
When I was young if I didn't like where I was I ran away.
No, I didn't run amok throughout the neighborhood. I wasn't allowed to leave the yard, much less cross the street. Instead I created magical lands, heroic adventures and daring deeds in my mind.
My imagination
ran away with me.
Oh, the places I'd go!
Imagination isn't just for kids!
During stressful times your imagination is more important than ever.
I'm not suggesting you run away from stress. To the contrary!
Imagination can make the journey through it more bearable.
Stay present and tend to what's important while keeping an eye on the light at the end of the tunnel. Schedule imagination breaks.
• Imagine what it will be like to get back to a normal routine.
• Imagine a new job, career or better way to work.
• Imagine better relationships.
• Imagine a better way to use technology.
• Imagine a better community.
• Imagine a better world.
Back to reality. Imagination in action leads to manifestation.
• What can you do now to start manifesting the world of your dreams?
• Who can you enlist to help?
Whatever it is you wish could be different, better, eliminated . . . .