Do you know your customer’s love language?
Did you read the book?!
In Gary Chapman’s 1992 bestseller, he defined five primary love languages in relationships as quality time, physical touch, acts of service, words of affirmation and receiving gifts.
Since a book on customer love languages doesn’t exist, you can write the story!
Here’s a few suggestions to translate the 5 love languages into your organization’s customer love story:
• Quality time
¨ respect your customer’s time by not making them wait or waste time finding answers or items they need
¨ save your customer’s time with efficient ways to meet their needs and simple ways to engage and do business with
your organization
• Physical touch
¨ create a welcoming customer experience both in person and online
¨ offer a consistent experience across all touchpoints to create familiarity and a sense of belonging
• Acts of service
¨ ensure your customer service policies and procedures serve your customers instead of your company
¨ share how you serve the community or support a cause
¨ invite customers to join you in support of a cause
• Words of affirmation
¨ personalization (everyone loves to hear their name)
¨ reinforce your customer’s choice to do business with you
¨ ask customer’s for their opinion and share the results to show they were heard, where their opinion fits in and how
you are acting on the feedback
• Receiving gifts
¨ surprise and delight customers with meaningful incentives and rewards that aren’t tied to buying more from you
¨ find ways you make them feel good about doing business with you