Branding Your Story

Your story is your Brand.
You don’t own your brand.
Your brand is a perception in your customer’s mind.
The good news is you can help shape the message through stories.

"A great brand is a story that’s never
completely told."
- Scot Bedbury

Two ways you can use stories to help shape your message

1) BIO
Your bio is not your resume. It is your story that helps build a foundation of trust by
• who you are
• your journey
• what you stand for
• why you do what you do
The presentation below asks some questions to get you started. By connecting the dots,
your story unfolds.

Word of mouth is the best form of advertising. Testimonials are one form of word of
The best testimonials capture:
• how you made them feel
• highlight how you are different
• include employee testimonials
• include all areas of you serve

What’s your story?


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